
Showing posts from February, 2019
ON SILENCE AND SACRIFICE (Part 2) Studying the biographies of the movers and shakers of this world- living and dead- i see that most of them find one way or the other to engage in solitary activities for a considerable number of hours daily. Some do this through prayer, thinking, reading, meditation, visualization, affirmations and so on. It could be in the early hours of the morning or evening or late at night. But for many of us, reverse is the case, we do not even want to nurture our friendships with our selves so we tend to avoid those alone moments. Some of us resort to chatting with friends, others through loud music when we are alone. Now, do not get me wrong; these are not bad in themselves; I’m only saying that there is more to be explored. Just turn off the television and the phones and travel deep down within you for that is where your great treasure lies. Even Jesus Christ admitted that the "kingdom" is within you not outside of you.
ON SILENCE AND SACRIFICE When a man lives among excessive noise, he may become a nuisance. The seeds of greatness are birthed through the pangs of solitude. When you separate yourself from the crowd, then you can wear the crown. It is in silence that we get to discover who we truly are. It is just like the onion. The outer layer is not all there is to it. There are also inner layers deep within. Could it be that your daily schedule or even your job is preventing you from assessing deeper aspects of yourself-skills, gifts and personality? We must occasionally find time away from the hustle and bustle of daily life to find those treasures that lie deep down within us. The seeds of potentials best grow in the soil of separation. It is then that you can have time for self-reflection, self-evaluation and renewal all of which are very vital keys to health, happiness and success.
THROWING THE IDEA OF "HARD WORK" AWAY So you may be looking at the title of this post and be thinking "Oh, this writer does not know what he is saying." Hardwork is definitely a top requirement for any worthwhile acomplishment." "Long, tiring, strenuous work!" Well, to that view point, I ask, "Is that always true? Is hardwork the answer all the time?" Ohhh, before you doubt me any further, look at Proverbs 22 verse 29. It does not talk about hard work as a requirement for standing before kings. It talks about diligence, not hard work.Could there be a difference between the two? Oh yes!  A whole world of difference. Diligence is a learnable skill that combines creative persistence, a smart working effort rightly planned and rightly performed in a timely, efficient and effective manner to attain a result that is pure and of the highest quality of excellence. When you are truly diligent, you control the situation rather than hav