
Showing posts from April, 2019
"WHO PUSHED ME!" PART TWO Research reveals that humans do not even use up to ten percent of their potentials throughout their lifetime. Respected Russian scholar, Ivan Yefemren has said that each and every one of us has the ability to learn forty languages and memorize an entire set of encyclopedia from A to Z, among other things! Wow! All this goes to show the limitlessness of the human potential when there is a "push." This push may come from people whose actions you do not find palatable or helpful in the present. This push may come from a person who truly believes in you like Sonya Carson did to the renowned neurosurgeon, who separated the Miranda twins, Ben Carson. This push could be a book or an article – like the one you are reading now or it could be circumstances. This push could be anything! Any virtue that is to be developed in you can only grow in the soil of opposite circumstances. For instance, if the virtue of long suffering is to be develope


There is the story of a king who had only one daughter whom he cherished and wanted to give out in marriage. He made an announcement to eligible suitors to show up in his palatial mansion for a contest. The winner, the king said would not only have his beautiful daughter for a wife but would also have a third of the kingdom and a third of the king’s personal estate. On hearing this announcement, bachelors and even married men showed up for the contest! In fact, men from other villages were part of the contestants jostling for the king’s reward. It was the D-Day already and you could see at least 300 suitors. The king came out to address the burgeoning crowd at exactly 10:30 am, thus: “Welcome young men into my humble abode; I have a little test for you all and whoever passes it gets the reward earlier announced. Come with me!” The men, eagerly followed the king; some of them running with enthusiasm. They finally got to a swimming pool at the back of the king’s mansion where the king
LEGAL RESTRICTION ON THE CHILD RIGHTS ACT’S ENFORCEMENT; MYTH OR REALITY? Children from Africa are faced with a plethora of challenges; including but not limited to poverty, malnutrition, lack of access to basic healthcare, malnutrition, inter alia. In Nigeria, the Child Rights Act, 2003 (hereinafter referred to as the CRA) addresses these issues. Indeed, it contains laudable provisions which provides for and protects the Nigerian child, including adoption, fostering, maintenance and guardianship. Notwithstanding, there seems to be one snag with its implementation; only 28 states (as at June 2010) have enacted their respective Child Rights Laws. Despite persuasions and pressures from Non-Governmental Organizations, other states are yet to enact its provisions. This has led to the widespread view that the enforcement of the rights of a child will be impossible in those states that have not enacted provisions on the rights of the Nigerian child.                 On a critical
ON SILENCE AND SACRIFICE (PART 3) In the orbit of divine matters, intensely religious people devote special time to commune with God through meditation. But a lot of history figures did this too. Chief Obafemi Awolowo did it. Mahatma  Gandhi used to do this. Abraham Lincoln, the 16 th president of the United States and a lawyer who  bequeathed an indestructible legacy to the legal profession and society did. There is a story that when he went to the church in Washington D.C., he used to sit in a small chapel behind the church and  some children wondered who the tall, lonely man was. One Sunday, they followed his foot-marks in the soil and they ended at the White House! So much did Lincoln seek solitude to be alone on his own. Each of us need moments of solitude; “times to stand and stare.” It helps to focus our minds and to concentrate on spiritual values. Even Jesus is portrayed in the gospels as withdrawing from his disciples into solitude. In his anguish, just befor