
Showing posts from May, 2019
THE GREATEST NATION IN THE WORLD IS NOT THE U.S. OR CHINA In my opinion, the greatest nation in the world is neither the ancient civilization of Egypt nor the old Babylonian empire. It is not even the present day China or America. The greatest nation in the world is your imagiNATION. Even God recognized the power of man's imagination during the building of the tower of Babel. He had to say that the people were one and nothing would be restrained from them which they have IMAGINED to do. The imagination in man's mind is really powerful. It is in your imagination that construction takes place and ideas spring up. The United States on July 20, 1969 could send Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin into the moon but with your imagination you can do more. You can send the moon into your mind. Hahaha! You are that powerful. Imagination as i see it is about forming images in the mind. Let me break it down. Imagination is gotten from two words; viz image and for