
Showing posts from August, 2019
🧠 ON THE LOVE OF LEARNING 🧠 ```When you stop learning you start dying, whether at eighteen or at eighty``` A young boy wanted to know the secret of an old man's enormous wisdom. So each day, he kept on visiting the old man and kept on asking him the same question; "Sir, what has made you so wise."   For two weeks, the old man was silent. He did not say as much as a single word. Surprised by the old man's obmutescence, the young man came again. The next time the young boy approached him, the old man took him on a journey. They went to a nearby river. The old man put off his shoes and the young man did same. Holding the young boy's hands, the old man walked inside the river. At the centre of the river, the water became so high that it reached the young boy's shoulders. Suddenly the old man, dipped the boy's head inside the water like he was doing a Christian baptism, only that this time, the immersion was longer. The boy gasped for breath, stru
HELLO!  GODDESS OF LUCK (PART TWO) Luck,  is found in attention to details and chasing excellence. It is worthy of note that excellence is in the details. Therefore, you attract luck by paying attention to the minute details in any task you undertake.  Everything concerns a diligent man and a diligent man is concerned by everything. It is worthy of note that God –after whose likeness we take is one that pays attention to details. God counts each hair on our heads; He numbers them! Amazing! Wow! Such meticulousness!   Attention to details means that you look forward to unforeseen circumstances, possible loopholes and anticipating the worst case scenarios. This way, you control the situation rather than having the situation control you. In essence, prepare well for every engagement you have ahead and fear no foe because it is only where you are ill-prepared that you are most likely to perform poorly.  Actually, winning is not what you see you see on stage. Yes, you do not


HELLO! GODDESS OF LUCK Who is the goddess of luck and by what means can mortals attract themselves to her? One view is that she is to be found at the gaming tables. For instance, when a person stakes his money on a sport game and wins, can we that is a sure way of attracting luck? Could the goddess of luck manifest herself through the finding of a lost wallet? What of those who have massive inheritance bestowed upon them? Would you describe them as lucky? Well, the inherent defect in the above scenarios is that these “benefits” are ephemeral. In most cases they do not last long. Numerous examples abound of people who came into large inheritance – but unfortunately, it never lasted. Another defect in gaming and betting is that the chances of profits are usually in favour of the game keeper. This is why sport-betting companies in Nigeria keep proliferating. Where then can luck be found? Well, according to Arkad, the protagonist of George S. Clason’s famous classic (see the
GOAL-SETTING AND GO-GETTING ; ANY NEXUS (PART FOUR) Another principle for goal-setting is that your goals must stretch you. Write big goals that will require you to grow to achieve them. Let your goals be so big that it is doomed for failure unless God be in it. Let your goals make you a little uncomfortable. Why? The reason is because the ultimate goal is really to become a “master” at life. The ultimate goal is to gain mastery. To do this, you will need to expand / learn new your skills, gain a vision of what is possible, build new relationships and learn to overcome your fears, considerations and roadblocks. The next principle for goal-setting borders on the creative. It is to activate the creative powers of your sub-conscious mind by reviewing your list two or three times every day.  (at least, morning, upon awakening and evening, before you go to bed.) Repetition, they say is the mother of skill. You have to read your goals or list of goals with passion and enthusiasm (al