
Showing posts from June, 2020


 King Solomon also said, we are to keep our mind with all diligence for out of its flows the issues of life.  Today I'm asking you to shift from impossibility thinking to possibility thinking. Today I ask that you start thinking about what you are thinking about and start paying more attention to what is playing in your mind. Remember, you are a victor and not a victim. Thoughts are so important and that is why the wisest king of Israel who lived could say in Proverbs 4 verse 23 that As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.  Solomon also says that whosoever hath no rule over his spirit is like a broken fortress and a city without walls. Dont you think that is strong?                Can I tell you an amazing fact about you? Yes, you! On an average, you run about sixty thousand thoughts through your mind. The most interesting part of it is that 95% of the thoughts you think today were the ones you thought the day before. Scientists call this auto-pilot mode. More than


The best way to use your time is to ensure that at every point, you are either adding value to yourself, adding value to others or creating a product of value. If you are not doing any of these, you should be resting so as to reserve and refuel your energy. So then be careful how you live. Do not be unwise but wise, making the best use of your time. Therefore do not be foolish but understand what the Lords will is.  Ephesians 5: 15-17 Behave wisely towards outsiders, making the best use of your time. Colosians 4:5 One of the best ways to use your time is asking yourself: What is the most valuable use of my time right now? There is always an answer to this question every minute and every hour. (Brian Tracy) It is not enough to be busy. The question is what are you busy about? The ants also are busy. Never mistake activity for productivity or busyness for business.  Concentrate on high value activities. For effective time management, start


We must understand that we hold enormous power inside the super computer resting in between our ears and standing on our necks. World renowned neurosurgeon, Ben Carson said that we have not even used a bit of our brains capacity. That is amazing! Robin Sharma wrote that some people have used the enormous power of their minds to go on days without sleep. That is still on the enormous power of the mind. Even the best thinkers are only using perhaps one hundredth 1/100th or at most, one-tenth of their mental nerves. At all times, your aim should be to tend the garden of your mind and uproot the weeds of doubt and the thorns of fear from your most precious garden. As within, so without. Your outer life is actually a reflection of your inner life. By caring for and nurturing your mind, you will cultivate it just like a fertile, rich garden and it will blossom far beyond your expectations. On the other hand, when you let the weeds take root, you deny yourself of lasting peace of mind an


"Act as if failure is impossible; Wipe out every thought of not achieving your objectives whether material or spiritual and your success will be assured. Be brave and set no limits to the workings of your imagination. Never be a prisoner of your past. Become the architect of your future. You will never be the same." - Robin Sharma, The Monk who sold his Ferrari page 138 The secret to success is not aptitude but your attitude. If you attach a number to the alphabets accordingly; say A equals 1, B = 2 C=3 and so on and so forth and total the corresponding numbers for ATTITUDE, you will realize that you will get a 100 percent. That confirms that attitude really is everything. Happiness does not depend on outward conditions but on inner conditions. You get happiness by controlling your thoughts. It is not what you are or who you are or where you are that makes you happy. It is what you think about. According to William Shakespeare, there is nothing either good or bad bu


Most people live- whether physically, intellectually or morally- in a very restricted circle of their potential being. We all have reservoirs to draw upon of which we do not dream The greatest discovery of my generation is that men can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind. William James, English philosopher Your most precious and extraordinary garden is your mind. Everything is created twice. First, in your mind before reality. The Wright brothers must have created the aeroplane first in their minds before it became a reality. Alexander Graham Bell must have believed that it is possible to invent the telephone before it also became a reality. Dr. David Oyedepo must have believed it is possible for a private individual to establish a world class university like The Covenant University before that came into reality. “The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potentials, these are the keys to unlock personal success. So in order th


Please don't ever make the mistake of thinking that you are empty! Never! You are super loaded. You owe your world a lot. You should be using your gifts instead of losing them. You can either use it or lose it. Discover your purpose today! The task of discovering your purpose will however remain in your hands. A parable was once told thus: God made a human being from clay and there was one unused piece left. What else should I make for you? God asked. Shape happiness  the human begged, God said nothing and put the remaining piece of clay into the mans hand. The main lesson of this parable is that only you are responsible for making your life a happy one. You do that by discovering your purpose. Remember, some men spend their lives servicing their passions, while some other men employ their passions in the service of their lives. Choose wisely. Remember; If you have fire, you owe your world some heat                    If you have food, you owe your world some meat    


The final method of discovering your purpose is to look at those who you admire and look up to. Personally, as a young boy of sixteen I was attracted to Dr. Sam Adeyemi, a very likeable motivational speaker. It was an exciting feeling looking forward to his Television broadcast every Sunday afternoon in 2015 on Television Continental (T.V.C.) Each time I hear him speak, something clicks inside me.  Which people do you admire? What books catch your fancy? That could be a pointer to your lifes purpose. For you, your subconscious mind sometimes say, Oh...I wish I was like XYZ. Oh! Could that be a pointer to your life's purpose and passion? Who is attracted to you and who are you attracted to? Remember, the popular statement that birds of a feather flock...(You can complete this popular saying) Right now, you have the keys to discover your lifes purpose and calling. An important thing that I am going to say is that there is dignity in your lifes calling even if other people do no


The second method of discovering your lifes purpose or calling is that of external opinion. This entails that you should meet a few people who are close to you for their honest and frank opinion of things which they think you have the unique ability to do well. Ask those people close to you for things which you have previously done that has blessed and impressed them. What special qualities do people applaud you for? Having done these, compare your list with the honest appraisal of others and you will have a pretty good idea of your special gifts, talents and abilities. The third method of discovering your purpose is thinking about genetic links. Alternatively, you can look at your family background for any "overriding genes" making your family to have a special flair for any special talents, gifts or abilities. In this part of Africa, where you and I live, the concept of "generational curses" spreads faster than wildfire mixed with petrol. It is so common a


HOW EXACTLY DO YOU DISCOVER PURPOSE? (IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY) Proverbs of Solomon Chapter 25 verse 2 actually talks about the fact that it is the glory of God to conceal a matter but it is the honour of kings to search out a matter. How does this apply to you? Well, it is relevant to you because even though your lifes purpose may not be readily pointed out to you, it is your duty or your responsibility to search it out. There are at least four ways by which you can find your purpose. Number one is through inner reflection, number two is through seeking external opinion, number three is thinking about genetic links and number four is finding out people and things of your admiration. The first method of discovering your lifes purpose and calling is to look inside of you and point out those things which you do easily and which gives you satisfaction and fulfillment. What do you love doing that you do not get bored with? What is that thing that whenever you start working on it