
Showing posts from July, 2020


The cloak I left at Troas bring with you and the books but especially the parchments." -Barrister Paul of Tarsus May I say this; Paul who wrote one-third of the New Testament was a man who certainly understood the power of books. You cannot grow more than you know. What you know makes you glow and what you know makes you known. Therefore reading becomes necessary so as to acquire knowledge. Ben Carson, raised all his life by a single mother and initially perceived as a dullard became a world renowned neurosurgeon, with so many breakthroughs in surgery including separation of Siamese twins. He attests in his books like "Think Big" and 'The Big Picture" that it was the library in inner city Detroit that developed his mind.


"I Daniel understood by books" Daniel 9:2 Daniel had an excellent spirit, yet he still realized that his soul (consisting of his emotions, will and intellect) must be developed through study. The "anointing" will not quicken you if you have not put anything there. The purpose of the anointing is to remind you of things. However, what happens when you have put nothing there?  This is the reason you have to continuously study to be steady. Anointing without any conscious efforts for growth will lead to annoyance.  Nobody can claim to know it all, only God is omniscient; however this is not an excuse to jettison the search for knowledge. We must constantly seek to know something about everything and everything about something. Faith Oyedepo once said that knowledge is not a gift and knowledge requires continual upgrade. Knowledge is not a gift hence it must be actively sought for. You do not just sit down somewhere expecting it to fall on your laps Reading


Live in the moment and let your attention be completely on the tasks at hand. Let there be no energy leaks. It is just like a bicycle; if there are leaks in it, the tube eventually deflates and your journey comes to an end. Similarly, where there are worries and distraction in the mind, you deprive yourself of vitality and energy which affects the task at hand.  However, when a tyre is fully inflated, it can take you to your destination. Shake up your life a bit. Get rid of the cobwebs in your mind. Transcend your comfort zone. Take the road less travelled.


Every great man has become great; every successful man has succeeded, in proportion as he has confined his powers to one particular channel. - Orison Swett Maden When the sun rays is focused on a magnifying glass, fire lights. That is the power of concentration. Similarly, when you concentrate the tremendous power of your mind on definite meaningful activities, you quickly ignite the flames of your personal potential to produce result.  Find out what you love to do and direct all of your energy towards doing it. You need three vital things when facing any task; speed, intensity and focus. The moment you concentrate your mental power and energy on a pursuit that you love, abundance flows into your life and all your desires are fulfilled with ease and grace.


Napoleon Hill said, Every experience has in it seeds of an equivalent or greater benefit. Interestingly, the original Chinese word for character has two meanings; one that means crisis while the second means opportunity. When you form the habit of searching for the positive in every circumstance, your life will move into its highest dimensions. Every experience even the worst offers you a lesson. Stop being a prisoner of your own past. Be the architect of your own future.           The idea I want to pass across to you this post is this: Success on the outside begins with success on the inside. By changing your thoughts you can change your life. Luck is when aspiration meets with opportunity. The moment you harness your mind and direct its focus only to the task at hand; the moment you concentrate the focus of your mind on a singular purpose; extra ordinary gifts will appear within your life.


The book of Joshua says that This book of the Law shall not depart out of thy mouth but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. Now the point I am making here is that the word meditate here in Hebrew means, hagah which means to utter or speak under your voice. Now, when you are meditating, it means that you are talking or muttering something to yourself. Interpreted differently therefore, Thou shalt meditate means that Thou shall talk the Word under your voice to yourself day and night. Now this may mean that you are soliloquizing; standing in one corner talking to yourself. Of course, this may look strange to others; making others look at you funnily, thinking that something is wrong with you. But this is not a problem at all for even the bible says that we are a peculiar people. Do not be bothered about what others are sa


A critical look at the life of Job could reveal that Job brought his misfortune upon himself through his words. He said fearful words like: I'm not safe. I do not know what my children are up to right now. Those kids will be the death of me.  (Job 3:25) Stop being careless with your words. Make it a quotidian habit to say only pleasant things to yourself in the mirror daily. Blab it and grab it. Confess it to possess it. You get what you say. So watch what you say to yourself about yourself when you are alone with yourself.


Death and life are in the power of the tongue and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. Proverbs 18: 21 What we think informs what we say and what you say forms you. Be careful what you attach to the words, I am. Your affirmation becomes your afformation. Your words (whatever you affirm) will later end up forming you. Can I tell you that this very world we live in was created by word of mouth. God said, Let there be light: and there was light. Be careful with the words you say to yourself as well: Such statements as: Things are getting worse or I do not know what to do will not get you anywhere.


Since your mind thinks in pictures replace any negative thought with a more positive one. Some people may try to put negative thoughts in your mind by telling you that you did not even finish secondary school or other things which you may lack, replace that thought with more empowering thoughts that God is bringing the right people across your path and opening doors for you. Regardless of what anyone is telling you, remember that you are not defective, you are not flawed but you have been fearfully made. Whatever things are true, honest, lovely, of good report. If there be any virtue, if there be any praise, think on these things Barrister Paul of Tarsus, student of Gamaliel. A worrisome thought starts off small but grows and soon it takes a life of its own. Thoughts are things; metered messages we send out to our physical world. Winston Churchill was famous for his statement that the price of greatness is responsibility over each of your thoughts. According to Robin Sh


I am a bit concerned that rather than focusing on all the good in their life, some people are captives of their past. It is not good that some people would rather choose to worry about failed relationships, past failures and so on. Others brood over more trifling matters such as how a shop attendant might have treated them or a comment someone made unintentionally that hurt them and so on and so forth. This attitude allows worry to rob you of your lifes force. You block the enormous potential of your mind to work magic and deliver into your life all that you want, emotionally, physically and spiritually. You cant afford the luxury of a single negative thought really. Self-knowledge of the kind of thoughts you think is the stepping stone to mastery. Replace any undesirable thought with an uplifting one. Imagine your mind as a giant slide projector. Take caution to replace negative slide with a more positive one.