
Showing posts from November, 2020


 HELLO! GODDESS OF LUCK Who is the goddess of luck and by what means can mortals attract themselves to her? One view is that she is to be found at the gaming tables. For instance, when a person stakes his money on a sport game and wins, can we that is a sure way of attracting luck? Could the goddess of luck manifest herself through the finding of a lost wallet? What of those who have massive inheritance bestowed upon them? Would you describe them as lucky? Well, the inherent defect in the above scenarios is that these “benefits” are ephemeral. In most cases they do not last long. Numerous examples abound of people who came into large inheritance – but unfortunately, it never lasted. Another defect in gaming and betting is that the chances of profits are usually in favour of the game keeper. This is why sport-betting companies in Nigeria keep proliferating.  Where then can luck be found? Well, according to Arkad, the protagonist of George S. Clason’s famous classic book, The Richest Man


 TRANSFORMING BREAKDOWNS TO BREAKTHROUGHS (INSPIRATION TODAY) It was the great inspirational writer, Dr. Norman Vincent Peale who said that, “Whenever God wants to send you a gift, He wraps it up in a problem. The greater the gift that God wants to send you, the greater the problem He wraps it in. Similarly, Thomas Edison said opportunities wrap themselves in problems that look like work. The challenge with most people is that is that they experience the pain but they are so busy complaining and blaming others that they do not see the gift. The point is this: Always look for the good in it. There is always a valuable lesson in every problem or difficulty that you encounter. Look at the miracle right in that obstacle. Look at the triumphs right in that trial.  The Law of concentration says that whatever you dwell upon grows in your life.  The more you think about what you want and where you are going- the more optimistic and positive you remain. This is what Dr. Martin Seligman of the U


Success comes bit by bit. It is therefore important to ensure that what you are doing at the moment is in tune with your overall future success. You must not be busy for busyness sake, instead you should be busy for business sake. Every day is either a successful day or a day of failure and it is the successful days which get you what you want. If every day is a success, you cannot fail to be outstanding and rich but if every day is a failure you can never get outstanding and rich. When you leave undone, what ought to be done today, you have failed in so far as that particular thing is concerned and the consequences may be more disastrous than you can imagine. You cannot foresee the results of even the most trivial act. You do not know the workings of all the forces that have been set moving in your direction. In most cases, people are unsuccessful because they spend too much time doing things that contribute little to their lives. They spend more and more time doing things that have l


 Activity is not productivity. Never equate busyness for business. It is not hard work that matters but what you get done. It is not the sweat toil, wailing and gnashing of teeth that matters but the thing that gets done. It is not just about activity, but about activity in the right direction. To use scientific language, you should not be a scalar quantity but also a vector.  In the words of Wattles D. Wallace, “You are not to overwork, nor to rush blindly into your business in the effort to do the greatest possible number of things in the shortest possible time. It is not really the number of things but the efficiency of each separate action that counts.” Key tasks are the key to your productivity. Much may depend on doing some simple but important act which might be the very thing which will unleash even greater opportunities to you. Your neglect or failure to do small but important things may cause a long delay in getting what you want. Do every day, all important tasks that can be


 Many people are held back all their lives because of a mistake they made in years past. Perhaps, you feel remorse and regret at something you had done or said; but these feelings can hold you back like weight from rising to fulfill your complete potential. Now, my message to you is that the person you are today and the person who did or said those things in the past are not one and the same. You are different today; wiser and more experienced. Therefore you cannot continue to punish who you are today by continually regretting what you did when you were a different person.  Remember; your mind is like a garden; either weeds will grow or flowers will grow. Dwell only on power thoughts. As you do so, you move from victim to victor. You free yourself from the baggages of the past and you unleash your potentials for realizing your future. #inspire #mindset #positivethinking #upbuilding