
Showing posts from January, 2022


Fifty years ago, experts wrote papers explaining why the human body could not run a mile in less than four minutes. Everyone, except Roger Banister, thought that running a mile in less than four minutes was impossible. Roger Bannister changed that popular perception. When Banister broke the four-minute barrier in 1954 on University of Oxford’s Iffley Road Track, other runners duplicated the feat within months. Can I quickly say this to you: Others’ opinion of you should not become your reality. Other’s belief about you should never set a limit on your ability. Don’t follow what the crowd is saying, follow where your cloud is directing you to. You are better than you think and where you are is not who you are!


One of the beauties of life is the inherent ability God has actually placed in you to literally transform your life to your desired state and to turn adversity to advantage. You can only explore and exploit this ability however only when you realize that failure is an integral part of the learning process and if used circumspectly, it will enable you to learn the proper principles that will ensure sustained success. In fact, occasional failures and stumbles may be among our best teachers on the path to success. Therefore, always adopt the Edison principle. The Edison principle was very well developed by Thomas Edison, who after several failed attempts to invent the light bulb said that I did not fail nine hundred and ninety nine times. I only learnt nine hundred and ninety-nine ways it won't work. Turning adversity into lessons and advantages is therefore one of the ways of fast tracking your own success. Walt Disney, American film producer exemplifies this principle.


When it comes to personal development, reading is extremely important. You are the same person in five years, except for two things; the books you read and the friends you keep. Think about the changes in your life five years ago and now... One way or the other you will trace the improvements to a piece of information you got. To be informed is to be transformed and to be uninformed is to be deformed. This is where books become crucial; they are a dependable source of information and knowledge gathering which advances your life forward. As American motivational speaker, Alvin Toffler captures the point, "the illiterate of the twenty-first century will not be those who cannot read or write but those who cannot learn, unlearn and re-learn." You have to keep working on yourself and books in your life's area of calling will help you do this. Motivational speaker,Jim Rohn said: "Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a


The scriptures encourage us to call forth those things that be not as if they were. This is a very important principle we should learn to apply in every area of our lives - financial, career, family, academics and so on. This principle played out in the lives of Sarah and Abraham. Do not forget that Sarai felt like an old woman. At 90 she was barren. It was more like a joke when she was told that she would give birth to Isaac. Before her miracle came, something significant occurred; Her name was changed to Sarah - meaning "My princess." That means that each time someone said to Sarah, "Good afternoon Sarah", they were in actual fact saying "Good afternoon, princess!" Sarah once again saw herself as young and capable of child birth again. The same happened to Abraham who was given the name "father of many nations." The miracle was in their words; the wor