
Showing posts from September, 2022


Imagination is gotten from two words namely image and formation. So imagination talks about the formation of images. Why is this imagination important to focus on. it is important because You can only feature in a future that you can picture. Instead of picturing yourself as not capable you must picture your self as capable. Instead of picturing yourself as not qualified, you must picture yourself as qualified. Instead of picturing yourself as not healthy, you must picture yourself as healthy and fit. Instead of picturing yourself as in lack and debt, you must picture yourself as having all things supplied because even the Scriptures say that My God shall supply all your needs according to his riches in glory and The Lord is your Shepherd, you shall not want. One man who has two important quotes relating to imagination has to be Albert Einstein. He was a German born physicist and he lived between 1879- 1955 and was popular for his theory of relativity. Concern


Philipians 4:7: "And the peace of God which passes all human understanding shall keep your hearts and minds in Christ." Why is your peace of mind so important? It is so important because you can always gauge or measure the quality of decisions that'll you make based on the level of inner peace that you enjoy. When you are living in harmony with your innermost convictions and highest values in life, you have a perfect balance and you enjoy peace of mind. Brian Tracy calls peace of mind your internal gyroscope. You will appreciate this better when you check further for the meaning of gyroscope. A gyroscope is a compass or guidance system usually used in ships and aircraft. It is used to detect the deviation of an object from its original orientation. In the words of Norman Vincent Peale (1898-1993), (a motivational speaker and author of Enthusiasm Makes the Difference, Power of Positive Thinking, Positive Imaging and You Can if You Think You