Someone once said that the best direction to ride a horse is the direction it is going. In the same way, the very best way to drive your life is the direction you have a natural inclination for. You have to nurture your nature. The interesting thing about your passion is that when you discover it, you will no longer major on the minor nor minor on the major. Your goals become clearer and that which you should concentrate your energies upon become more obvious. So how can you discover it?

First, you have to reflect over your life and fish out those things you do with ease, which brings results, which you gives you satisfaction and fulfilment. What do you love doing that you do not get easily bored with?  (Are your ideas flowing in already?) What would you spend your life doing if all you will ever need money for will be given to you free of charge? What gets you angry and what makes you feel like "life is unfair" and you have got to redress the situation? List them out whether they are big or small, significant or insignificant. This is an extremely important process, however many people underestimate their endowments because it feels "just normal and ordinary" Ah! You need to give yourself the benefit of the doubt and list them out with child-like obedience. Your perception may have been coloured by the lenses of Mr Doubt and Mrs Underestimation.

After this personal discovery, you have got to keep your list aside and seek the opinions of others. Meet a few people who are close to you and ask for their honest and frank opinion on things which they think you have the unique ability to do very well and things which you have previously done that has blessed and impressed them. What special qualities do people applaud you for? Having done these, compare your list with the honest appraisal of others and you will have a pretty good idea of your special gifts, talents and abilities.

Alternatively, you can look at your family background for any "overriding genes" making your family to have a special flair for any special talents, gifts or abilities. In this part of Africa, where you and I live, the concept of " generational curses" spreads faster than wildfire mixed with petrol. It is so common all around. However, have you ever thought of the fact that there are generational blessings too? See, the Bush family is blessed with a flair for politics.The Williams (Serena and Venus) possess the predilection for sports (tennis in particular). Oh, you get the point? You may have to do a little research about your parents and grand parents to see that common thread that runs through the web of their involvements and life's paths.

Away from that, you need to look at those who you admire and look up to. Your subconscious mind sometimes say, Oh...I wish I was like XYZ. Ooooohhh! Could that be a pointer to your life's purpose and passion? Who is attracted to you and who are you attracted to? Remember, birds of a feather flock....(You can complete it)
Please don't ever make the mistake of thinking that you are empty! Never! You are super loaded. You owe your world a lot. You should be using your gifts instead of losing them. You can either use it or lose it.
Remember; If you have fire, you owe your world some heat
                   If you have food, you owe your world some meat
                   If you have peace, you owe your world no wrong and
                     If you have a melody, you owe your world some song

By Ishola Emmanuel


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