
Showing posts from March, 2019
CAN MAN EVER BE PERFECT? (PART TWO)  In the last post, I concluded that even though man is weak, God’s intention is that man should be perfect. When man looks at his inward man, not his physical being (the earthen pot subject to fragility); then he will find that perfection is actually his maker’s intention for him. It is a gratia gratis data (gift freely given to him by God.)  So I do not sound esoteric or vague, I will recommend that you spend a good chunk of your daily time developing your spirit man- Activities like prayer and studying the bible will definitely help and provide you that inner compass or guidance. When God created the fishes, he had to speak to the seas. He spoke to the fishes to bring out creeping creatures. It follows that no fish can be ever perfect when taken outside its natural habitat (water.) For instance, when you put a fish on land, you know that it can be deformed because that is against its make-up. Again, when God created the
CAN MAN EVER BE PERFECT? I am writing on one issue that has probably crossed your mind at one point or the other. It has to do with perfection; “Can a man’s character- his consistent way of behaving- be ever perfect?” You may have thought, “I have my shortcomings” and the more I try to be “error-free” the more disappointed I get. If this is your thought pattern, know that you are not alone in this. Paul, the renowned New Testament lawyer puts the point beautifully when he remarks that “We are no better than pots of earthen wares to contain this treasure.” Clearly, we are pots; In fact, mere earthen ware pots; fragile and weak, very easily broken. And this pot of ours takes a leaking every now and then. However, as odd as this may sound, we should not get complacent with this reality. We should be contented with who God has made us to be; never complacent. There is a distinction between the two and I hope to explain in subsequent posts. We must not get complacent with o