
Showing posts from December, 2019
IS THERE A WAY TO DISCOVER YOUR LIFE’S PURPOSE AND CALLING There are two most important days in the life of any man. The first is the day that he was born and the second most important day is the day that he discovers why he was born. Many people find that they are climbing the ladder of life only to realize when they get to the top of the ladder that the ladder was leaning against the wrong wall. In order to avoid this mistake, then it is important that your purpose is found. When you have found it then you will no longer have to work because your work to you becomes fun. You will no longer have to force yourself to do it. You get up in the morning really excited. It is that moment that you can be said to have truly found your purpose. This issue becomes even more important because only a few schools have arrangements for counseling students who are about to make that important choice of joining Arts or Humanities department, Science department, Commercial Department, or Techno
NEVER GIVE UP ON YOUR DREAMS (PART TWO) At nineteen months, Helen Keller contracted an illness that left her without hearing and sight. Back then, those labelled “deaf and dumb” were classified as idiots but Helen’s parents did not agree. They hired teacher Anne Sullivan to work with her and eventually she learned to read and write using Braille. Amazingly, she learned at least three foreign languages and graduated in 1904 with honours from Radcliffe college. She then devoted her life to helping others, Philanthropist Andrew Carnegie paid her an annual income, writers Mark Twain and Robert Louis Stevenson praised her and almost every president of her day invited her to the White House. Even though Helen died in 1968, her legacy of courage lives on. When asked if there was anything worse than being blind, Helen replied “Yes – having sight but no vision.”
NEVER GIVE UP ON YOUR DREAMS (THOMAS EDISON AND HELEN KELLER - CASE STUDIES) At 12, Thomas Edison developed severe hearing loss that his teacher recommended him to be taken out of school. Instead, Edison used his handicap to drown out distractions and focus on his work. This boy who was labeled a slow learner made over a thousand inventions including the light bulb, the phonograph and the motion camera. Edison patented 1,093 devices at the United States office, almost all of which were turned into communal products during his lifetime. At his death in 1931, one-sixth of the American work force were employed in the manufacture and distribution of Thomas Edison invented products. My message for you dear reader is that that event in your life that looks like a breakdown could be a breakthrough if you persist. You are not your weaknesses. By channelling the power within, you can be your best!
HUMAN CAPITAL READINESS FOR SUSTAINABLE NATIONAL GROWTH 1.0 DEFINITION AND IMPORTANCE OF HUMAN CAPITAL “The most important choice you can make is to maximize your greatest resource, the Nigerian people. If you invest in the health, education and opportunities – the human capital we are talking about today- then they will lay the foundation for sustained prosperity.… To anchor the economy over the long term, investments in infrastructure must go hand in hand with investments in people. People without roads, ports and factories cannot flourish. Also, roads, ports and factories without skilled workers to build and manage them cannot sustain an economy…This is the scenario we all want; Nigeria thrives because everyone is able to thrive.” - Bill Gates (Founder of Microsoft) (Leadership Newspapers, 2019) For the sake of clarity, the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) defines human capital as the knowledge, skills and competencies embodied in individuals tha
THE FOLLY IN THE PURSUIT OF WEALTH It is a gross misplacement of priorities to pursue wealth. Well I know that this statement may evoke some questions in you. You may be asking "Are you saying I should not work for salary at the end of the month? How then will I invest or eat? How do I survive? " Well, do not misquote me. What I am saying is that the best way to seek after wealth is not to pursue wealth. This is because, wealth is what I would describe as a "shadow" ; it is not the real image. Wealth, in itself and by itself does not last. "Riches suddenly makes themselves wings and fly away" - Proverbs of Solomon The easiest way to find wealth is not to find it at all. The easiest way to seek wealth is not to seek it. You should seek and find wisdom instead. "Through wisdom is a house builded and by understanding it is established. By knowledge shall the Chambers thereof be filled with pleasant riches." - Proverbs of Solomon S