There are two most important days in the life of any man. The first is the day that he was born and the second most important day is the day that he discovers why he was born. Many people find that they are climbing the ladder of life only to realize when they get to the top of the ladder that the ladder was leaning against the wrong wall.

In order to avoid this mistake, then it is important that your purpose is found. When you have found it then you will no longer have to work because your work to you becomes fun. You will no longer have to force yourself to do it. You get up in the morning really excited. It is that moment that you can be said to have truly found your purpose.
This issue becomes even more important because only a few schools have arrangements for counseling students who are about to make that important choice of joining Arts or Humanities department, Science department, Commercial Department, or Technology Department when they are in JSS3. The implication is that many people go through life without adequate knowledge of their purpose. They are left to figure it out on their own. You may even know a few people who say that I really do not like this career I am into or this job I am doing, I am only forcing myself to do it. That is what happens when purpose is yet to be discovered.

Proverbs of Solomon Chapter 25 verse 2 actually talks about the fact that it is the glory of God to conceal a matter but it is the honour of kings to search out a matter. How does this apply to you? Well, it is relevant to you because even though your life’s purpose may not be readily pointed out to you, it is your duty or your responsibility to search it out. There are at least four ways by which you can find your purpose. Number one is through inner reflection, number two is through seeking external opinion, number three is thinking about genetic links and number four is finding out people and things of your admiration.

The first method of discovering your life’s purpose and calling is to look inside of you and point out those things which you do easily and which gives you satisfaction and fulfillment. What do you love doing that you do not get bored with. You have to nurture your nature. By nurturing your nature, I mean that you have to deliberately grow that part of you that is in line with your personality. What is that thing that whenever you start working on it you do not even take cognizance of time? You forget that one hour, two hours, three or even four hours have passed by like magic? What would you spend your life doing if what you will need money for will be given to you free of charge? What would you spend your life doing if money was not a problem? What is it that gets you emotionally charged that you feel like you must correct a mistake in the system or you must address a particular situation? All of these questions which I have raised are what you should ask yourself during your inner reflection for discovering your purpose.  List them out even if they seem usual or normal to you because what seems usual to you could be extraordinary to others.

The second method of discovering your life’s purpose or calling is that of external  opinion. This entails that you should meet a few people who are close to you for their honest and frank opinion of things which they think you have the unique ability to do well. Ask those people close to you for things which you have previously done that has blessed and impressed them.

The third and fourth method of discovering your purpose: thinking about genetic links and is finding out people and things of your admiration will be discussed in subsequent posts. You may want to bookmark this page to read it.


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