Hi there! There is something unique about the Markan account of Jesus' crucifixion that I want to share with you. 

Let's go Mark chapter 15. The Amplified Version. I will start quickly from verse one; 

And immediately when it was morning, the chief priests, with the elders and scribes and the whole council, held a consultation; 

This means that there was a crowd right there...

and when they had bound Jesus, they took Him away [violently] and handed Him over to Pilate.

2. inquired of Him, Are You the King of the Jews? And He replied, It is as you say.

So Jesus had answered that the way they had called Him the king of the Jews was correct. What they said is what it is.

Verse three is where it gets interesting because they were still nudging him on...

3 And the chief priests kept accusing Him of many things.

Notice that according to verse three they did not accuse him once and go away...

4 And Pilate again asked Him, Have You no answer to make? See how many charges they are bringing against You!

Look at that, it was not just a charge, it was various charges and accusations coming left, right and centre! 

This could apply to you you as well, In your area of calling, God made you a king already to have Dominion but then comes the voice of fear and doubts accusing you of "many things." For instance, if you have the gift of singing, it may be that  you do not have the right voice. Tomorrow: "Are you sure you have the charisma?"

Or maybe your life's calling involves speaking, the accusations may be that you are not good enough, your language is not perfect, you don't have this, you do not have that! The accuser never reminds you of what you have and what God has endowed and blessed you with.

But let's look at the response 

5. But Jesus made no further answer at all, so that Pilate wondered and marveled. 

He made no further answer! That means it was coming in through one ear and going out through the other! He was not looking at it at all!

So my message for you to today is what are you looking at? Where are you looking at? How are you responding? What is your focus? Are focussing on fear or you are responding to faith!

So like Jesus, don't give the voice of fear attention, go forward in faith and nullify the voice of fear. It is not the accusations against you that matters, it is what you focus on because whatever you focus on magnifies...

Jesus knew He was far greater than the current circumstances, the same way you must know that you are God's choicest creation, You are unique, you are sui-generis, you are one of a kind, you are a 5-star model!

Never look at the voices of discouragement, never look at the voices of incompetence. Instead, look at what God says you are, look at what He says you have and look at what He says you can do! And then do it, have it and be it. 


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