
Showing posts from December, 2021


 The scriptures in Hebrews 10 v 35 states that we are not to cast away our confidence, for it will be richly rewarded. That simply means that if we will stay in faith, if we will keep believing, keep hoping, keep doing the right thing, God promises that there will be a reward.  You see, it is pretty much like an expectant mother. For a woman who is going to have a baby, the first month or two is not that difficult since the mother-to-be looks and feels much the same.  A few months into the pregnancy however, things start to change for the expectant mother. She gains the baby's weight. She carries around the extra pounds. Her feet may swell up. Her back may hurt. She may start vomiting in the morning. She may have some nausea, some morning sickness and so on and so forth. By the eighth or the ninth month, her husband has no choice than to comply with whatever she says and give her some space. He has to do whatever she says without talking back to her. Why is this so, it is because i


 The story is told of an old man who was reputed for his wisdom and his ability to dissolve hard sentences. Presidents, governors, captains of industry visited this man to seek his invaluable advice and not once did he disappoint. He always gave the correct answers to the questions he was asked.  One day, three young boys sought to puncture this man's reputation. Their plan was that they would approach this man with a live bird in their hands and ask him whether the birds were alive or dead. If he said they were alive, they would compress the birds in their hands until they died and if he said they were dead, they would open their hands; releasing it until the birds flew away. The second riddle the boys confronted the old man with was the state of their future; They sought to know from the old man, whether they would be better, happier and richer than their current state. With excitement, the young boys got to the residence of the old wise man and put forward their questions; "