The scriptures in Hebrews 10 v 35 states that we are not to cast away our confidence, for it will be richly rewarded. That simply means that if we will stay in faith, if we will keep believing, keep hoping, keep doing the right thing, God promises that there will be a reward. 

You see, it is pretty much like an expectant mother. For a woman who is going to have a baby, the first month or two is not that difficult since the mother-to-be looks and feels much the same. 

A few months into the pregnancy however, things start to change for the expectant mother. She gains the baby's weight. She carries around the extra pounds. Her feet may swell up. Her back may hurt. She may start vomiting in the morning. She may have some nausea, some morning sickness and so on and so forth.

By the eighth or the ninth month, her husband has no choice than to comply with whatever she says and give her some space. He has to do whatever she says without talking back to her. Why is this so, it is because it is at this terminal stage of the pregnancy, just a few weeks to the birth of the baby that the mother-to-be- gets more and more uncomfortable – all that is a reaction from the pain that comes with pregnancy.

Now when the mother-to-be goes into labour, all the pains I have mentioned before – her back hurting, her feet swelling and so on and so forth pale into insignificance when compared with the pain that comes with the actual delivery of the baby. 

Truth be told, if a woman in labor had a choice, she'd probably say, "I don't want to do this anymore because it's too difficult. I just can't stand it." 

That is very similar to what Jesus was saying on the cross that if it is possible, let this cup pass from me. But the expectant mother does not have a choice.

Eventually, after the baby is born, the mother forgets about the pain because she's holding the promise. She's holding that little child. 

Now why am I narrating all this story. What is the essence my message? Well my message for you today is to let you know that the greatest difficulty in life comes when you are about to give birth to a dream. Before you experience loads of favour, don’t be surprised if what comes is discouragement. Before you experience God’s abundance, don’t be weighed down or dismayed by temporary scarcity. 

But can I just encourage you today by telling you that where you are is not who you are. You just have to push through that labour pain. If 

you'll keep pushing, keep believing, keep hoping, before long—like that woman in labor— you will push that promise out. 

Yes, it may appear that you are currently facing what is the greatest challenge in your life but can I encourage you that that means you are also getting ready for the greatest victory ever. Remember, it's always darkest right before the dawn. And that there is always a light at the end of a tunnel.


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