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25 Habits That Will Guarantee You Success The ancients were fond of an expression: Character is fate. It means that character is deterministic, that who you are determines what you will do. Self-discipline is one of those special things that is both predictive and deterministic. It both predicts that you will be great, AND it makes whatever you are doing great. It is not a means to an end. It is not just something we value until we get something we think we might really value—this job title, that amount of money, winning the biggest game, landing the best opportunity. No. Discipline is the win. When you are disciplined about your craft…you win. When you know you put your best into something…you win. When your self-worth is tied to things you can control (effort, for example)…you win. Who we are, the standards we hold ourselves to, the things we do regularly—in the end, these are all better predictors of the trajectory of our lives than things like talent, resources, or anything e


WHERE YOU ARE IS NOT WHO YOU ARE By ISHOLA EMMANUEL There is a very interesting experiment which I would like to share with you. The experiment is this: Try taking a container and put in it, carefully selected big stones. Make sure that the stones are big and put them at the bottom of the container. Now place on top of the container stones of smaller sizes. By now you would have a container with small stones on top and big stones underneath. The next thing is that you shake the container. What would you find? You would find that the smaller stones wuld find their way to the bottom while bigger stones will find their way to the top. The big stones signifies people who have built capacity in areas such as physically, mentally, spiritually, socially etc. but due to the vicissitudes of life find themselves down. Whenever you find yourself in this category, I am here to tell you that it is only a temporary phase. You will rise again. Whenever you find your self down


Imagination is gotten from two words namely image and formation. So imagination talks about the formation of images. Why is this imagination important to focus on. it is important because You can only feature in a future that you can picture. Instead of picturing yourself as not capable you must picture your self as capable. Instead of picturing yourself as not qualified, you must picture yourself as qualified. Instead of picturing yourself as not healthy, you must picture yourself as healthy and fit. Instead of picturing yourself as in lack and debt, you must picture yourself as having all things supplied because even the Scriptures say that My God shall supply all your needs according to his riches in glory and The Lord is your Shepherd, you shall not want. One man who has two important quotes relating to imagination has to be Albert Einstein. He was a German born physicist and he lived between 1879- 1955 and was popular for his theory of relativity. Concern


Philipians 4:7: "And the peace of God which passes all human understanding shall keep your hearts and minds in Christ." Why is your peace of mind so important? It is so important because you can always gauge or measure the quality of decisions that'll you make based on the level of inner peace that you enjoy. When you are living in harmony with your innermost convictions and highest values in life, you have a perfect balance and you enjoy peace of mind. Brian Tracy calls peace of mind your internal gyroscope. You will appreciate this better when you check further for the meaning of gyroscope. A gyroscope is a compass or guidance system usually used in ships and aircraft. It is used to detect the deviation of an object from its original orientation. In the words of Norman Vincent Peale (1898-1993), (a motivational speaker and author of Enthusiasm Makes the Difference, Power of Positive Thinking, Positive Imaging and You Can if You Think You


Your tongue will end up repeating the thoughts you have entertained in your mind. You must therefore counter negative thoughts that are contrary to or rebelling against the Word in your life and rebelling against what you truly deserve. Do not allow negative thoughts to flow through your mind lest they cripple your faith and make it feeble. Listen to this: When our thinking becomes right, our believing will be right and our talking will be right. If you can control your thinking, you can control your talking and if you can control your talking, you can control your life. This is why James teaches that if a man can control his tongue, he can control his life. Remember that controlling your tongue begins by controlling your thoughts.


It is important that you guard your mind against unrestrained thoughts of doubts because unrestrained thoughts leads inevitably to unrestrained words which inevitably leads to an unrestrained life manifested in the actions and events around you. Guard your heart with all diligence for out of it flows the issues of life. (Proverbs 4:23) As a man thinks in his heart so is he (Proverbs 23:7) To boost and bolster up your faith, uproot negative thoughts planted your mind. Instead of thinking lack and poverty or sickness for instance, think about what the word says concerning your health and prosperity like "By his stripes you have been healed" (Isaiah 53:5, 1 Peter 2:24) and "Generous hands are blessed hands because they give of their bread to the poor" (Proverbs 22:9). Your actions will always fall in line with your thoughts and the cause you proclaim determines your course in life.


THE FORCE OF FAITH Faith is about calling those things that be not as if they were. Even the scriptures encourage us to call things that be not as if they were. (Romans 4:17) Death and life are in the power of the tongue. (Proverbs 18:21) Before God could perform a miracle for Abraham, He had to change his name from Abram - which means "exalted father" to Abraham which means father of many nations. He did the same for Sarai by changing her name to "Sarah". You will better appreciate this when you consider that Sarah means princess. He did this so that Sarah who previously saw herself as an old woman could perceive as a young woman. You can see how God had to change the words they were hearing consistently in the present even though the manifestation was in future. If hope is the melody of the future, faith is your dance to it in the present. If you change the way you speak about your life, you can change your life. Your declarations must ch


TWO INCREDIBLE WAYS TO DISCOVER YOUR LIFE'S PURPOSE NOW Listen to this: If you are not satisfied with your work, if you are tired of the rat race and tired of just working for money alone with no satisfaction, then you have to do something about it real quick. You have to look within because that is God telling you that He created you for something more. Have you ever thought about the fact that Adam, the first man on Earth was given his work from his natural environment? Let me explain this. After God created man, He placed him in Eden. Now when God was going to find work for Adam, He did not place Adam in the sky, neither did He place Adam inside the waters to work. No, we read that Adam was placed in he garden to work. That means that Adam as placed in his natural environment. In the same way, your work is in your natural environment. When you do your findings, you will find that Eden - from the etymology of the word - actually means a place of pleasure. S


AVOIDING THE HIV SYNDROME The HIV syndrome stands for having insufficient vision. What do you see concerning yourself? Your finances, your health, your career? Your future? Your marriage? etc. Make sure that you are seeing yourself not as you are but as God wants you to be. Make sure you are imagining the best about yourself because your imagination is the workshop of God upon which engravings of the future are carved. It is what you see that you are empowered to seize. I will quickly tell the story of two people who visited a poor village. The village was characterized by pervasive poverty. One of the two persons focused on the poverty and said: "I have never seen this large number of poor people gathered in one place". Thereafter he shook his head and left. The other man was not looking at the poverty in the village. Guess what? He was looking at their feet and the fact that the people had no shoes. Instead of leaving like the first man, the second man, havin


🎷📣📣 NEW INSPIRATIONAL WRITE UP; ✨✨🎊🎊🎊🎉🎉 TITLE: LEARNED RESPONSES ENJOY!!! In the year 1902, a Russian psychologist by the name, Ivan Petrovich Pavlov (who lived between 1849-1936) carried out an experiment with his dogs. Anytime he fed those dogs, he rang a bell. He thereafter observed that the dogs associated the ringing of the bell with the presence of food such that anytime the bell was rung, the dogs began to salivate in an excited manner because they could not wait to eat. One day, Pavlov decided to do something different. He stopped bringing foods to the dogs but he continued ringing the bell that used to come with the food. Now, the amazing thing was that the dogs were still salivating even after the bell was rung. Pavlov found out that salivation was already what he called a controlled response from the dogs and that salivation came from the ringing of the bell. Now, why am I narrating all this story and why is it important to us as human beings? I am narratin


*THE LITTLE THING THAT MAKES A BIG DIFFERENCE* Habits are those little things that make a big difference. Most of our daily activities are actually on auto-pilot mode. Scientists have actually confirmed that seventy percent (70%) of human activities are actually carried out based on auto-pilot mode. Then implication is that most of your activities are carried out without second thought. They are carried out at the flip of a switch and without much thought! This therefore shows just like positive habits can be carried out without much thought and they build your life. The opposite is also true; negative habits can be carried out quickly and they impede growth and progress. The implication of this is that to change your life, you have to begin by changing your attitude. Let me state this; Bad habits are easy to develop but difficult to live with. On the other hand, good habits are difficult to develop but easy to live with. That's so important and needs to be restated


Listen to this: Every mountain top vision must include the valley of service. I need to repeat that again: Every mountain top vision must include the valley of service. There are many other examples. One of them is Saul, the son of Kish who is of the tribe of Benjamin. The journey that brought Saul the son of Kish to his anointing as the first King of Israel was not a search for greatness. It was not a search for greatness. It was not even a search for kingship or dominion. He did not go in search of prophet Samuel to seek special prayers to made a king. It was in search of his father's lost donkeys. That right there is service. He moved from one dry land to another, with no money in his jar and probably no water in his jar just in search of the lost donkeys. That is service. Finally, another example is David. David was not seeking greatness when he went into battle with Goliath. He actually went into the battle arena to seek the welfare of his brothers and deliver some f


GET HIGH!!! BUT GET HIGH BY GOING LOW By Ishola Emmanuel #INSPIRE SERVICE: THE KEY TO GREATNESS To be great in God's eyes, it is not greatness you must seek. It is service. To be great be lowly. To be great, serve. To be high, go low. You can only go high by going low. Get high by going low. Some people spell service as "serve us" but that is not the correct mindset for true and sustainable greatness. At the root of greatness is service. Service is not "serve us". Service is about serving others. The key to greatness and fulfillment in life is service. The key to your happiness and fulfillment is to serve others. Things will keep coming to you when you do not seek them only for yourself but for others. One example is Joseph - the eleventh son of Joseph. Yes, Joseph became the Prime Minister (Vizier) of Egypt at thirty-three years old yet he did not get to that position principally by seeking that position, rather he got the position by seeking ser


Is there anything so special about books? Is reading truly important? The answer is yes. Reading is important because it brings information, understanding and illumination. To be informed is to be transformed. It is information that brings transformation and it is what you know that makes you grow. The Biblical Daniel in Daniel chapter 9 verse 2 said: I Daniel understood by books. Paul who wrote almost half of the new testament -13 out of 27 books was also an avid reader. In one of his letters to Timothy, particularly in 2nd Timothy 4:13, he said : "The cloak i left at Troas, bring with you and the books" Just to emphasize the importance of books and reading, i will round off by citing the example of Benjamin Solomon Carson. He was born to Sonya (a school dropout) and Robert Solomon Carson (a Baptist Minister) on September 18, 1951 in the city of Detroit, the state of Michigan and the country of United States of America. Carson lived with his


A survey showed that seventy (70) percent of Nigerian secondary schools have no guidance and counseling unit. We have a challenge in our hands because this means that when the choice is to be made as to which department to join when a student gets to senior secondary school one (SS1), they make that choice based on several irrelevant factors like ● The departments which their friends have chosen ● The departments which their parents force them to join ● Other people's wrong estimation of their abilities. For instance, some kids maybe told that on account of their exceptional brilliance alone, they should join science class. ● The department which they feel they would get a lucrative job or career. Eventually, owing to the aforementioned factors, all they get is a job which is entrusted on them and not a job which they can trust or are passionate about. This is why it is extremely important that young people are made to understand that when choosing a career, they


Fifty years ago, experts wrote papers explaining why the human body could not run a mile in less than four minutes. Everyone, except Roger Banister, thought that running a mile in less than four minutes was impossible. Roger Bannister changed that popular perception. When Banister broke the four-minute barrier in 1954 on University of Oxford’s Iffley Road Track, other runners duplicated the feat within months. Can I quickly say this to you: Others’ opinion of you should not become your reality. Other’s belief about you should never set a limit on your ability. Don’t follow what the crowd is saying, follow where your cloud is directing you to. You are better than you think and where you are is not who you are!


One of the beauties of life is the inherent ability God has actually placed in you to literally transform your life to your desired state and to turn adversity to advantage. You can only explore and exploit this ability however only when you realize that failure is an integral part of the learning process and if used circumspectly, it will enable you to learn the proper principles that will ensure sustained success. In fact, occasional failures and stumbles may be among our best teachers on the path to success. Therefore, always adopt the Edison principle. The Edison principle was very well developed by Thomas Edison, who after several failed attempts to invent the light bulb said that I did not fail nine hundred and ninety nine times. I only learnt nine hundred and ninety-nine ways it won't work. Turning adversity into lessons and advantages is therefore one of the ways of fast tracking your own success. Walt Disney, American film producer exemplifies this principle.


When it comes to personal development, reading is extremely important. You are the same person in five years, except for two things; the books you read and the friends you keep. Think about the changes in your life five years ago and now... One way or the other you will trace the improvements to a piece of information you got. To be informed is to be transformed and to be uninformed is to be deformed. This is where books become crucial; they are a dependable source of information and knowledge gathering which advances your life forward. As American motivational speaker, Alvin Toffler captures the point, "the illiterate of the twenty-first century will not be those who cannot read or write but those who cannot learn, unlearn and re-learn." You have to keep working on yourself and books in your life's area of calling will help you do this. Motivational speaker,Jim Rohn said: "Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a


The scriptures encourage us to call forth those things that be not as if they were. This is a very important principle we should learn to apply in every area of our lives - financial, career, family, academics and so on. This principle played out in the lives of Sarah and Abraham. Do not forget that Sarai felt like an old woman. At 90 she was barren. It was more like a joke when she was told that she would give birth to Isaac. Before her miracle came, something significant occurred; Her name was changed to Sarah - meaning "My princess." That means that each time someone said to Sarah, "Good afternoon Sarah", they were in actual fact saying "Good afternoon, princess!" Sarah once again saw herself as young and capable of child birth again. The same happened to Abraham who was given the name "father of many nations." The miracle was in their words; the wor