
Showing posts from March, 2022


🎷📣📣 NEW INSPIRATIONAL WRITE UP; ✨✨🎊🎊🎊🎉🎉 TITLE: LEARNED RESPONSES ENJOY!!! In the year 1902, a Russian psychologist by the name, Ivan Petrovich Pavlov (who lived between 1849-1936) carried out an experiment with his dogs. Anytime he fed those dogs, he rang a bell. He thereafter observed that the dogs associated the ringing of the bell with the presence of food such that anytime the bell was rung, the dogs began to salivate in an excited manner because they could not wait to eat. One day, Pavlov decided to do something different. He stopped bringing foods to the dogs but he continued ringing the bell that used to come with the food. Now, the amazing thing was that the dogs were still salivating even after the bell was rung. Pavlov found out that salivation was already what he called a controlled response from the dogs and that salivation came from the ringing of the bell. Now, why am I narrating all this story and why is it important to us as human beings? I am narratin


*THE LITTLE THING THAT MAKES A BIG DIFFERENCE* Habits are those little things that make a big difference. Most of our daily activities are actually on auto-pilot mode. Scientists have actually confirmed that seventy percent (70%) of human activities are actually carried out based on auto-pilot mode. Then implication is that most of your activities are carried out without second thought. They are carried out at the flip of a switch and without much thought! This therefore shows just like positive habits can be carried out without much thought and they build your life. The opposite is also true; negative habits can be carried out quickly and they impede growth and progress. The implication of this is that to change your life, you have to begin by changing your attitude. Let me state this; Bad habits are easy to develop but difficult to live with. On the other hand, good habits are difficult to develop but easy to live with. That's so important and needs to be restated