

 "I f you are going to win a battle, you must ensure that the mind controls the body. Never the other way around.” General George Patton Whatever you think about you bring about. Whatever is impressed must be expressed. Be careful what you think about. Never think about what you do not want. Do not talk about the things you do not want. Do not even entertain ideas which you do not want showing up in the canvas of your life. If you do not want it, do not think or talk about it. Put it out of your mind, you have the ability to choose. The Law of Vibration states that we attract those things with which we resonate. To change what you attract, change your resonance. No matter what is going on in the outside world, ensure that you are vibrating at higher frequency on the inside. Always maintain a positive inner dialogue as the importance cannot be overemphasized. If you change your thinking, you are going to change your beliefs. If you change your beliefs then you are going to change y


 In life, choices, not chances determines destiny. You can choose to pay now and play later or you  can choose to play now and pay letter. The choice is entirely yours. When you choose the behaviour you also choose the consequences.  Suggested Reading: Philip Mc Graw


Your life will be a function of what you think and what you think will be shapened by what you know. When you renew your mind with quality information, your life will be transformed. Acquire knowledge to move up the ladder of your own success. What you know will transform what you think, eventually influence what you think eventually influencing your life style. Success is not an accident but an anticipated incident


 SHOUTS OF VICTORY Desire makes one achieve in the heart. Work makes one achieve on the earth. Success will not come to you. You must go to it. "Victory belongs to the most persevering" - Napoleon Hill The story is told of a wise old man who had answers to knotty questions and solutions to life issues. One day, a young man came asking the question, "How do I get success in a definite manner; How do I get success badly?" The old man did not say anything. The young man came every day for the next four months but the old man did not so much as utter a word. On the fifth month, the old man took the young man into a nearby river and dipped the young man into the waters while covering the young man's nostrils with his hands. Just as the young man was gasping for breath, the old man brought him up. The young man was furious as they left the river. He angrily asked the old man, "What was that for!" The old man simply smiled and said, "When I put you under


Cross examination is a delicate act and art that requires mastery of the intricacies therein and understanding of the subtle nuances of human nature. The following tips are relevant.  The first rule of cross examination is not to examine crossly. Abuse is not an argument, no matter who gives it. It is dog's eloquence to  abuse and stoop low to injure another's personality. Get the defendant to commit to absolute statements; then confront him with the damaging letter or evidence. Proceed with as much easiness as if the value of a loss in cross examination were less than a kobo. Establish other possibilities that are open even when the evidence is or appears to be  substantially true. Cross examination can be directed to show that witness was occupied with circumstances surrounding the fact rather than the fact itself. This can be skewed to show that the witness was completely inattentive when the incident happened.


  The HIV syndrome stands for having insufficient vision. What do you see concerning yourself? Your finances, your health, your career? Your future? Your marriage? etc. Make sure that you are seeing yourself not as you are but as God wants you to be. Make sure you are imagining the best about yourself because your imagination is the workshop of God upon which engravings of the future are carved. It is what you see that you are empowered to seize. I will quickly tell the story of two people who visited a poor village. The village was characterized by pervasive poverty. One of the two persons focused on the poverty and said: "I have never seen this large number of poor people gathered in one place". Thereafter he shook his head and left. The other man was not looking at the poverty in the village. Guess what? He was looking at their feet and the fact that the people had no shoes. Instead of leaving like the first man, the second man, having seen a business opportunity, left the


  Always remember that the only way to get the best of an argument is to avoid it. An Appeal that everyone likes is an appeal to nobler motives for everyone as a high regard for themselves and like to be fine and unselfish in their own estimation. This is why you must paint other people in a good light. Another key to influence is to dramatize your ideas; the movies does it, the TV does it, why don't you do it, - Dramatize your ideas, it works in business and home life as well and this explains why a lover goes down on his knees to propose to his sweetheart. Also, when nothing else works, throw down a challenge. Charles Schwab: The way to get things done is to stimulate competition. I do not mean in a sordid, money getting way but in the desire to excel. "All men have fears, but the brave put down their fears and go forward  sometimes to death but always to victory..." Motto of the King's guard in ancient Greece.