Hey guys, today I'm penning down a topic that is quite near and dear to my heart. I once read this quote from Dr. David Oyedepo that "To be uninformed is to be deformed; but to be informed is to be transformed." That got me really thinking on why you should place a premium on information. Let's get started.

Information is derived from two words. I'm sure you know what "in" means. In talks about the inside and you know that it is in the inside that your power lies. Robin Sharma, the author of "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari" emphasized this by saying that the same power that operates in the sun, moon and all elements of the universe also operates in you.  Isn't that amazing. Yes. You are that powerful. By the way, I will recommend that book, it makes for a very good read anyday. Inside of you is intangible which means you cannot see it. Now, those things you cannot see are even more powerful than the physical things you can see.  It is in the intangible things that the magic happens.

The other word in "information" is "formation". Formation has to do with building, constructing, forming and so on. So very good football teams have their strength in the formation they use.  Imagine playing Christiano Ronaldo as a centre back? Lol. So put together, information has to do with constructing and re-creating your inside. Now this is extremely important because it is your "in-formation" that determines your "out-formation". I will explain this.

Whatever you have on the outside is proportional to what you carry in your inside. So don't go chasing after the latest house, or that branded car when you have not discovered the latest and re-branded you. It will amount to a waste of time. Your state in the earth is dependent on what the earth is in your inner state. What relevant thing do you need to know inside to be what you desire to be. Remember this truth, "To get something you have never gotten or to do something you have never done, you must become something you have never being before." You are first a human "being" not a human "doing"

Don't try to change the outer man when the error in the inner man has not being changed
Now that is what information does to you. It helps to discover the real you.  When you were formed, God deposited everything that pertains to your fulfilment within you but you need information to search it out. That is why the process is called enlightenment.

The twenty-first century has changed. A mouse no longer only means that small rodent of the marsupial species that loves cheese, windows are no longer just the kind of opening covered by glass that you buy drapes for and the web is not only something spiders trapped flies in. If you are going to understand one bit or byte of the happenings around, in your career, marriage, business and finance, then you've got to stay updated with the relevant information. Why grope in the dark without switching on the light? Why don't you be an active participant in the ultimate search for relevant information?


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