Hello and welcome to today's continuation of the series on the topic of goals. As a brief recap, in the last post we mentioned that some of the advantages of goal setting are that goals stretch you, simply your decision making process and provides you with a feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment.
“Desire accomplished is sweet to the soul” ---- Proverbs of Solomon.

Other advantages include:

5. Goal setting frees you from crisis management. You cease spending all of your time trying to resolve this crisis or the other, instead you solve problems before they arise. You shift from being reactive to being procative. You shift from fire-fighting to fire-prevention.

  1. Observe people who are committed to setting goals and thinking on paper, they are one of the calmest breed of people you will ever find. They seem to be cool, calm and collected; to have everything under control.. That is exactly what happens to you when you embrace goal setting; you shift from fire-fighting to fire prevention. You shift from busyness to business.

He who thinks on paper thinks better.

6. Goal Setting puts you in top physical and mental health. No axeman ever loses time sharpening his axe. He only prepares himself for top performance.

“The labour of fools wearieth them for they know not how to go into the city.”
Proverbs of Solomon
The failure to set goals could be one of the reasons why some people lose shape and their vitality  after retirement. Your mental attitude and your physical health are interconnected. Therefore, failure to set goals could lead to a vicious cycle of negative thinking instead of a virtuous cycle of positive thinking and strengthened bodies. Having goals will you keep you in shape mentally and –physically.
“I went by the field  of the slothful and the vineyard of the man void of understanding and lo, it was all fiilled with thorns and nestles covered the face thereof and the stonewall thereof was broken.”
---Proverbs of Solomon

7. With goals, you generate an attitude of respect. One good thing about goal setting is that it makes you exude confidence which inturn draws respect from others to you.

You will find noticeable changes in the posture of goal setters most times; shoulders high, walking straight, head held up high and a general confident posture. Definitely, those with goals have a can do attitude or the yes, we can attitude. It shows in the broad smile, the firm handshake, the vivaciousness which makes you a force of attraction – inspiring others to reach greater heights. Think of Nigeria- nationalists like M.K.O Abiola, Obafemi Awolowo, men who had tenacity under pressure – qualities that generated respect to lead their people. That is goal-setting in motion.
Obafemi Awolowo who while campaigning in South West made his voters know that even though his government will try to provide basic necessities, his major goal was education; this put him far ahead as a thinker in his generation.

8. Goals develop your muscle of persistence:
In this day and age of instant messaging, instant meals and so on and so forth, we want to have everything and have it now. Sadly, that is not how goals are achieved. Going back to the example of the eagle, you will discover that an eagle might have to hover around its prey – roosting for hours over a rabbit hole or snake hole, waiting for hours on end until the snake rears its head and like lightning, the eagle strikes with devastating speed and power. The eagle, with its deadly beak, razor sharp talons and its extra keen eyesight is a great lesson on the need for persistence. Goals hone your staying power.

It is extremely important for you to stick to important tasks. Success is a combination of ability and stickability. Ability is useless without stickability. Goals will help you to develop the needed stickability for your tasks.

Goals deliver you from your past; the intoxication from your past successes and depression from your past failures.

With goals, you are fixated on the now and now alone. You are not really swayed by the publicity of your past successes that you forget the now, neither will you be bogged down by the failures of the past.

With goals, you follow a single direction until you reach your aim. You become like the stamp; sticking to the letter until it gets to its destination. Simply put, you never give up. Even though at the outset, your goal has not been achieved, when you keep working on your goal with your heart, soul and body, the impression of your goal on the inside becomes expressed outwardly.
Remember the world stands aside for that man who knows where he is going.

Oliver Wendell Holmes: “The great thing in this world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving.”


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