
Showing posts from October, 2020


 THE EAGLE'S NEST The eagles nest is a sight to behold; It weighs more than two tonnes and in fact, it can support two grown men. You do not find this kind of nest anywhere else. It is usually found in the most remote and unattainable spot the bird can find and then it will be perched very high in the mountains or on some sheer cliff or a very high tree. Due to the massive size of this nest and the fact that each and every stick and materials like timber from construction sites, discarded clothing, paper, fresh stick, grass and leaves  to prevent the nest from getting dirty  has to be carried to this remote building by the eagle, you will easily agree that the nest building will be a huge task for the eagle. The eagle, however, is not intimidated or overwhelmed by the sheer intensity of this task. It understands the power of goals and taking little steps  which add up in the long run  towards the achievement of these goals. As Robert Schuller said, “By the yard, it is hard but in


 We saw this principle of giving in full display in Abraham's life; how he was clearly rushing to entertain strangers, how that he gave to Melchizedek and so on. In fact, the very moment Sarah asked him to cast out Hagar, he did not send her away empty handed. He gave her bread and a skin of water!  The key to never ceasing and increasing blessings is giving. Until you become committed to meeting the needs of others, your needs are not met. How do I know this? Well, Proverbs 19 verse 17 states that "Mercy to the poor is a loan to God and God repay those loans in full.." Proverbs 11:24, 25 states that He who helps others is helped and he who blessed others is blessed.  Therefore, do not be like the dead sea, which stinks because it is stagnant, it only takes in and never gives out. Be like the fresh ocean; a source of joy and happiness for many 


 "The way to get riches is to enrich others." --Ishola Emmanuel "Life is not about getting and having, it is about giving and being" -Kevin Cruse The world's richest pastor, Bishop David Oyedepo wrote in his book, "Breaking Financial Hardship", that the key to prosperity is sacrifice. In his words, "Sacrifice is the master key that turns the captivity of people's finances anytime any day. Giving is not a mere activity. It is a work and only those who take it as a work profit by it. It is not a hobby or a religious activity." Giving truly is that ship that can rescue any sinking saint out of the ocean of poverty and lack. The covenant which Good had with Abraham is in two-fold, God said to Father Abraham, "I will bless you and thou shalt be a blessing." From this it becomes clear that it is when you commit your self to blessing others that God becomes committed to blessing you.


 Think of it this way. If you are clear where you are going (using goals) and you take several steps in that direction every day, you will eventually have to get there. If I head north out of the University of Ibadans zoological garden and take some steps forward, I will eventually end up at the Old sports complex. I want you to realize that you are the master of your soul and the captain of your fate. Success comes by taking a hundred percent responsibility for your life. You are not to blame your uncle, aunt or any other family member. You are where you are and what you are because of what you have done or failed to do. You are very much the architect of your own destiny. If it is going to be, then it is up to you. Today lies ahead of you waiting to be shaped, and here you are the sculptor who gets to do the shaping. What today will be like is up to you. You get to determine what kind of day you will have. When you accept complete responsibility for your life, you take the giant st


  A Harvard Study, conducted between 1979 and 1989 depicts the importance of goals. In 1979, only three percent of graduates of the Harvard MBA programme had written clear goals and plans. 13% had goals which were not in writing while 84% had no specific goals at all other than getting out of school and enjoying the summer. Ten years later, (1989), the research showed that the 13 percent who had goals that were not in writing earned on the average, twice more than the 84 % of students who had no goals at all. The amazing discovery was that the 3 % of graduates with clear, written goals were worth ten times more than the other 97 % of graduates put together. Clearly, goal-setting gives clarity which in turn speeds up your success rate. What do you really want to have, be and do? Clarity brings power. Being clear about your goals puts you in the top three percent of the worlds achievers. To move into the top 1 percent of achievers, write down specific action plans that will help yo


"The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex, to tasks into small manageable tasks and starting on the first one. " Mark Twain, Celebrated American author and humorist. "If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy and inspires your hopes"  - Andrew Carnegie, The Richest Man in America in the 1900s A goal is a vision with a feet while goal setting refers to the art of setting specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound objectives. This means that your goals must be smart and you should act on them with the certainty that you will achieve them. There must also be a timeline attached so that you do not wander aimlessly, thinking you have all the years in the world. Scientists have discovered that the brain is a goal seeking organism. The truth is that whatever goal you give to your subconscious mind, it will work day in, day out to achieve it.  Success,


The greatest tragedy to befall a man is to have sight but lack vision.  - Helen Keller "Man's mind, stretched to a new idea, never goes back to its original dimensions." -Oliver Wendell Holmes You must forget the cynics, doubters and knockers for there will always be discouragers and doubters; people who cannot see beyond the first obstacles. People of vision do not only have the courage to dream but also the ability to organize and the strength to execute  Albert Schweitzer said: "The tragedy of life is not that we die but what dies inside a man while he lives. Vision and the enthusiasm that comes with it creates power leading to greater productivity. This feeling of productivity will no doubt improve your self-esteem.  Men who are driven by vision produce higher quality work than those driven by survival - Dr. Sam Adeyemi You develop vision in stillness and quietness; not in the hustle and bustle of daily life.  Vision comes from spending time in solitude and refle


  Life is filled with opportunities; mountains to climb and conquer with others to follow. When you are no more interested in climbing other mountains and seeing other mountains to climb, life is over. There was a man who caught an eagle and kept it confined for seventeen good years.  One day, he advertised to sell his goods at an auction and decided that at the end of the sale, he would liberate this old eagle. People came from hundreds of miles to see this bird set free. The auction was over and low clouds hung over the dark earth. However, when the cage was opened, the eagle did not move. His master called it, still it stayed inside. The master pulled it out and with all his strength tried to push the bird towards the zenith, but the eagle's great wings only spread back to the man's shoulders. Just then, there shot through the clouds, a bright beam of sunshine, straight to the eagle's eyes. The eagle rose as if by magnet towards the source. Just like the eagle, the ima