By Ishola Emmanuel.

“Most people live- whether physically, intellectually or morally- in a very restricted circle of their potential being. We all have reservoirs to draw upon of which we do not dream”- William James, English psychologist who was also famous for saying that “The greatest discovery of my generation is that people can change their lives by changing their attitudes of mind.”

At all times, your aim should be to tend the garden of your mind and uproot the weeds of doubt and the thorns of fear from your most precious garden. of as within, so without. Your outer life is actually a reflection of your inner life. By caring for and nurturing your mind, you will cultivate it just like fertile, rich garden and it will blossom far beyond your expectations. On the other hand, where you let the weeds take root you deny yourself of lasting peace of mind and deep inner harmony. Be a good gardener of your mind and never allow any contamination to enter like a proud soldier. Avoid toxic wastes such as worries and anxieties, fretting about the past or brooding over the future as they wreak havoc in your inner world. Can I tell you an amazing fact about you? Yes, you! On an average, you run about sixty thousand thoughts through your mind. The most interesting part of it is that 95% of the thoughts you think today were the ones you thought the day before. Scientists call this auto-pilot mode.

More than 70% of your daily actions are on autopilot. You do it effortlessly because your daily thinking pattern is set already. Herein, lies the tyranny or disadvantage of negative thinking. If you find yourself in a mental rut, you must disrupt that thinking pattern. This also informs the reason for many of the addictions that many people will face daily- Whether it is excessive addiction to social media, alcohol, cigarettes etc…they occur because the thinking patterns bringing forth these actions have been set already, hence it becomes difficult to change. If you find yourself in a mental rut, you must disrupt that thinking pattern. Thoughts are so important and that is why the wisest man who lived could say in Proverbs 4 verse 23 that “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” Solomon also says that whosoever hath no rule over his spirit is like a broken fortress and a city without walls.” Don’t you think that is strong?

I have emphasized it before that the greatest nation in the world is neither the UNITED KINGDOM or the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Instead, the greatest nation is IMAGINATION. It is in the nation of imagination that inventions are created there is no limit to the financial reserves in the nation of imagination. I read a book recently by Bishop T.D Jakes when he said that you are not one bank loan away from a million dollars but you are one creative idea away from a million dollars.  Talk about the power of imagination and the mind! The greatest men in the world are citizens of the nation of imagination. They understand that every thing is created twice; first in the mind and then in reality. Every action must first spring up from in the mind.

     I am a bit concerned that rather than focusing on all the good in their life, some people are captive of their pasts. And that is partly why I am writing this post with nothing but a laptop, table, chair, biro and paper. It is not good that some people would rather choose to worry about failed relationships, past failures and so on. Others brood over more trifling matters such as how a shop attendant might have treated them or a comment someone made unintentionally that hurt them and so on and so forth. This attitude allows worry to rob you of your life’s force. You block the enormous potential of your mind to work magic and deliver in your life all that you want, emotionally, physically and spiritually. The secret to success is not aptitude but your attitude. If you attach a number to the alphabets; say A equals 1, B = 2 and so on and so forth and total the numbers for ATTITUDE, you will realize that you will get a 100 percent. That confirms that Attitude really is everything.

      Your "I can” is greater that your “I.Q”. Your attitude wins over natural talents that are left undeveloped. We must understand that we hold enormous power inside the super computer resting in between our ears and standing on our necks. World renowned neurosurgeon, Ben Carson said that we have not even used a bit of our brain’s capacity. That is amazing! Even the best thinkers are only using perhaps one hundredth 1/100th of their mental nerves. I once read from Robin Sharma that some people have used the enormous power of their minds to go on days without sleep. That is still on the enormous power of the mind.
You may not be able to control the weather but you can control your attitude towards the weather. One person complains about rain affecting his clothes; another person sees it and he is so thankful to God for wetting his crops for a beautiful harvest; yet another is amazed at the manifold wonders of nature. It is a thing of the mind basically. One person is complaining bitterly about excessive traffic, yet another sees it as a rare new opportunity to insert some CDs on personal development to learn one or two things. It all goes back to the mind basically.  It follows therefore that there is no such thing as objective reality or the “real world”. The world is created by your own mind and interpretation. One man complains about an event. Another man sees seeds of unlimited opportunity therein. Interestingly, the original Chinese word for character has two meanings; one that means crisis while the second means opportunity. When you form the habit of searching for the positive in every circumstance, your life will move into its highest dimensions. Every experience even the worst offers you a lesson.  I like how the late Napoleon Hill puts it. He said “Every experience has in it seeds of an equivalent or greater benefit. Stop being a prisoner of your own past. Be the architect of your own future.


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