An Italian Economist, Vilfredo Pareto in 1895 revealed that 80% of our activities yield only 20% of tangible results. Amazingly, 20% of our activities provide a massive 80% of results. This is what is called the Pareto principle which is named after this popular economist. Time management therefore requires that you do a cost-benefit analysis of your time to discover what is called the “vital few.” This will help you to realize the kind of activities that will help you to chart the future that you truly want and desire.

Businesses talk of their R.O.E. or Return on Equity which is intended to improve the financial results of the business over what would have been in the absence of the new strategy. Your time management should increase your own R.O.E or what is called your Return on Energy. In other words, you should increase your “return on life” You should be earning the highest return on your mental, emotional and physical equity invested into your life. The essence of time management is to organize yourself and use your time to achieve the greatest amount of pleasure, satisfaction and rewards from everything you do and this is very much under your control really

Your aim should be to project forward into your life several years ahead and determine what exactly it is you want to accomplish and where it is that you want to end up at a specific time in the future and then channel your energies accordingly.  It follows that you ought to invest the time and efforts necessary to think through and plan out your time (and hence, your life) in advance, to ensure that you get the most that is possible in every area. In this particular post, I want to emphasize the importance of daily to do lists.  Start each day with a to-do list. Begin each day with a list of everything you have for that day. The best time to make your daily list is the night before, at the end of the working day. This allows your subconscious mind to work on your list of activities for the next day all night long while you are sleeping.  Often, you will wake up in the morning with insights and ideas and answers to knotty challenges simply as a result of just programming this list into your mind before you go to sleep. In particular, when creating your to do list, practice the ABCDE method. This method will help you to think through the consequences of (not) doing a particular task.

A task in this method is something which you must do. It is a high priority task and one in which there are serious consequences for not doing it. It is essential to your success in your personal or work life. If you have more than one A task on your list, organize them by priority into A-1, A-2, A-3 and so on.
B-task is one you ought to do otherwise someone will be inconvenienced or unhappy. However, there are only mild consequences for non-completion. The rule is that, except for exceptional circumstances, never do a B task when an A task is left undone.

C tasks are those tasks which it will be nice to do but which has no consequences at all to you or to anyone else. Put differently, it really does not matter if this task is done or not. Never do a “C” task when a “B” task is left undone just as you should never do a “B” task when an “A” task is left undone.

D tasks are those tasks that you can and should delegate to others. The rule is that you should develop the habit of delegating everything that is delegable, i.e. everything that can possibly be done by others. Even God thought it wise to delegate to man despite the fact that He is all powerful.

I once read a quote sometimes back that Leaders should not try to perform every task personally since leaders who try to be El-Shaddai shall die before their time due to the excessive work load. Try to delegate to others. Some people are uniquely gifted and can even perform certain tasks better than you. More so, this will free up your time so that you can concentrate on other things to do. It will also ensure that you do not major on the minor nor minor on the major.

Lastly, an E task is one that adds nothing to your end result. You should eliminate it as quickly as possible. This will free up your time to enable you concentrate on tasks that make a difference to your life and your work.
May your day and week be blessed.


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