
Showing posts from 2018
TIME'S WINGED CHARIOT AND THE FIELD OF LIFE (PART TWO) "Have a time and place for everything and do everything in its time and place and you will not only accomplish more but have far more leisure than those who are always hurrying"  -Tryon Edwards Time. We all have it in equal measure. Those at the top echelon of society and even those at the lowest rungs of the societal ladder have an equal twenty-four hours. Hence, it is clear that time is a leveller. One thing I've observed in the lives of the former is that they are usually very time conscious.  Consequently, they do everything to protect their time - they schedule their activities the night before, stick to the schedule, engage in high value activities (More on this in subsequent blog posts) among other things. These people have truly recognized the fact that time slips through our hands like grains of sand never to be recovered. Take for instance, the man Benjamin Franklin.  Benjamin Franklin was a
TIME'S WINGED CHARIOT AND THE FIELD OF LIFE "So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom" - Psalm 90:12 The Psalms were ancient meditative songs written by Israelite kings,priests and prophets. The one quoted above alludes to what I am say ing. When we number your days, that is when we count properly the time we have left in our lives, then we will develop an attitude that God considers  to be wise and prudent. “This is the key to time management - to see the value of every moment.”Menachem Mendel Schneerson, 20th Century Jewish Rabbi Widely considered as one of the most influential Jewish leaders of the last century who built schools, drug rehabilitation centers and synagogues, Menachem Schneerson is someone who certainly saw the value of time. The general principle that I want you to remember going forward is that time must be converted. It is so important we will need to repeat it. Time MUST be converted. Conversion is defined as t
BE AN ORIGINAL (PART TWO) Science confirms that out of a multitude of cells jostling for survival, you survived. Now that's ample confirmation of the fact that you're special and you should appreciate this and accordingly exude your uniqueness. Why should you think of changing your natural style of talking, voice or doing things just because you want to conform? Hear these words from the extraordinary painter, Picasso: "My mother said to me, 'If you become a soldier, make sure you are a general, if you become a monk, you'll end up as a pope.' Instead, I became a painter and wound up as Picasso" Remember that wood may remain a hundred years in the water but it can never be a crocodile. "Could Hamlet have been written by a committee, or the Mona Lisa painted by a club? Could the New Testament have been composed as a conference report? Creative ideas do not spring from groups. They spring from individuals," said A. Whitney Griswold.
BE AN ORIGINAL (PART ONE) Once upon a time, a long time ago, in a hill far away, there lived an old man in a house on the top of a hill. This man had a reputation for wisdom and dissolving of hard sentences. There was no question he was asked that he never provided a right answer for. Instantly, he became sought after by the high and lowly in society; governors, politicians and even the needy and the answers he gave them were very correct. One day, some little boys, decided to test this man with a difficult question and punch a hole into his integrity. The ring leader of the group, Musa, called the boys together and said: "Here in my hand is a bird. We will go and ask the old man whether it is alive or dead If he says dead, I will release it and it will fly away. Bit if he says alive, I will crush it and the bird will die" "Good idea!" the boys exclaimed. "Either ways the old man would be proven wrong" The boys excitedly hurried to the top of the
TRUST THE PROCESS            (PART TWO) From my last post, I mentioned that there is a master potter (God) and and we are the clay. Your good ideas may sometimes come true for you but God's idea must always come true. Let us strive to discover the God idea, not the good idea. This like I said takes a while, so relax and trust the process. A potter takes the molded pots and puts it on top of a shelf and leaves it there to dry and harden. If he does not do this, when the molded pots go into the furnace, they may crack because they did not wait long enough on the shelf. Presently, you may be "on the shelf", metaphorically speaking. May be it's about your career and you are currently unemployed,  I want you to trust the process. Keep reading books just to while away time until you get your dream job. Be patient, may be there are certain things you need to be shown or you need to learn before your dream job comes right along. Maybe it's your marit
TRUST YOUR PROCESS     (PART ONE) "After looking at the way things are on this earth, here's what I've decided is the best way to live: Take care of yourself, have a good time, and make the most of whatever job you have for as long as God gives you life. And that's about it. That's the human lot." -The fifth chapter of Ecclesiastes, the eight verse. One of my favorite pastime is philosophizing. Yes, I simply like thinking, un-thinking and re-thinking about this space called life. How did everything come into play? Nature? Work? Humans? Trees? Animals? Insects? You?  One  common thread that runs through the web of my thoughts is that there is a great geometrician at the helm of the universe affairs and it is safe to trust that we are at the centre of his grand plan. And so whatever hurt, pain, joy or happiness we feel, we know that we are in line with a master plan here. Things take time so laugh through the pain and play in the rain (if you are that c
FROM YOUR BREAKDOWN TO YOUR BREAKTHROUGH (PART ONE) *Knock Knock* Hello there! I feel glad coming to meet you on this space again. Today's post is about why you should not let a break down prevent your break through. You see many times we have a thousand and one excuses and most times they are very legitimate ones. Maybe you almost clinched your aim the last time and at the last minute every thing tumbled or maybe it's your background that made you under privileged. Whatever that is, we can sum that up into one word: "Excusitis". Yes Excusitis is that disease that allows the germs of complacency to set in. By all means we should try to avoid it. I will tell you a story. This story is about one of the world's greatest who had every reason to have succumbed to Excusitis but he never did. His name is Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln's life was a profile in discipline and courage. From a wood splitter, Lincoln came to school with an old arithmetic book, dres
GOAL SETTING AND GO GETTING;  ANY NEXUS?  (PART ONE) "If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy, and inspires your hopes." -ANDREW CARNEGIE Thomas Edison, the celebrated inventor, set himself an ambitious goal. It was to come up with a major new invention every six months, a minor invention every ten days. When he died, he had 1,092 U.S. patents and over 2,000 foreign ones. Edison knew that by setting such goals for himself and striving to reach them, he was bound to increase his output. It has been the same way for men all over history. Many men had overwhelming desires which they translated into goals. Martin Luther King Jr. dreamed of a country free of prejudice and injustice. Bill Gates dreamed of a world in which every home has a computer that is connected to the Internet. Buckminster Fuller dreamed of a world where everybody had access to electrical power. These high achievers see the world from a whole different
SUCCESS IS WHO YOU ARE I'm thinking about Satan's trick. Satan comes to a hungry Jesus in the wilderness and says "If you are the son of God, turn these stones into bread." In other words, all he was saying was if you are the messiah, prove it. I wondered for many years why Jesus did not actually silence his tempter by simply turning the stones to bread and proving his status as the messiah at that time. If he could "manufacture" food for thousands some months after that event, why didn't he just do it at that point? I got the answer recently. Jesus understood that his success was not tied to his demonstration but his configuration. In other words, it was not the miracles or his actions that made him a success. Success was simply who he was configured to be. It was his nature; his personality and not what he did. Some of us fall into the trap of equating ourselves with what we have done in the past. So because you had a failure experience; say you
INFORMATION FOR TRANSFORMATION Hey guys, today I'm penning down a topic that is quite near and dear to my heart. I once read this quote from Dr. David Oyedepo that "To be uninformed is to be deformed; but to be informed is to be transformed." That got me really thinking on why you should place a premium on information. Let's get started. Information is derived from two words. I'm sure you know what "in" means. In talks about the inside and you know that it is in the inside that your power lies. Robin Sharma, the author of "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari" emphasized this by saying that the same power that operates in the sun, moon and all elements of the universe also operates in you.  Isn't that amazing. Yes. You are that powerful. By the way, I will recommend that book, it makes for a very good read anyday. Inside of you is intangible which means you cannot see it. Now, those things you cannot see are even more powerful than the physica
HOW TO DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE AND YOUR PASSION Someone once said that the best direction to ride a horse is the direction it is going. In the same way, the very best way to drive your life is the direction you have a natural inclination for. You have to nurture your nature. The interesting thing about your passion is that when you discover it, you will no longer major on the minor nor minor on the major. Your goals become clearer and that which you should concentrate your energies upon become more obvious. So how can you discover it? First, you have to reflect over your life and fish out those things you do with ease, which brings results, which you gives you satisfaction and fulfilment. What do you love doing that you do not get easily bored with?  (Are your ideas flowing in already?) What would you spend your life doing if all you will ever need money for will be given to you free of charge? What gets you angry and what makes you feel like "life is unfair" and you have