
Showing posts from April, 2020


Your most precious and extraordinary garden is your mind. Every thing is created twice. First in your mind before reality. The Wright brothers must have created the Aeroplane first in their minds before it became a reality. Alexander Graham Bell must have believed that it was possible to invent the telephone before it also became a reality. Dr. David Oyedepo must have believed it was possible for a private individual to establish a world class University like The Covenant University before that came into reality. So in order that the inventions and products that is inside you to come to reality, you must also watch your mind. I once read from one of the books of Dr. Sam Adeyemi that With every new level comes a new devil. The interesting thing is that you scale through by guarding the mind. The relevant computing terminology is GIGO which stands for Garbage in Garbage out. In order words, what is imprinted on the inside becomes expressed on the outside. This is similar to what Will
POLICE BRUTALITY AS AN IMPEDIMENT TO DEMOCRACY In the year 1863, in the eleventh month and on the nineteenth day, at the Gettysburg Cemetery Declaration, the Chief Speaker for the occasion, Edward Everett spoke for two hours. After him, a young lawyer, Abraham Lincoln, (the sixteenth president of the United States of America famously called “Honest Abe”) spoke for just two minutes and stole the show beginning his speech with the premise of equality of men thus: "... years ago our fathers brought forth, on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal." What struck a chord among his listeners was his awe-inspiring definition of democracy as “the government of the people, by the people and for the people which shall not perish from the earth.” For more than a century and half, this definition has not diminished in its intellectual relevance. Interestingly, this one-million dollar definition, reiterates t
PEOPLE POWER (PART THREE) PEOPLE NUGGET TWO (2) EMPATHY: Empathy means seeing things from the other person’s point of view as well as your own. Henry Ford has this to say: “Get the other person’s point of view and see things from his or her own angle as well as from your own.” It is just like going-a-fishing. A fisherman thinks less about what he wants. He does not bait the fish hook with fried rice and chicken which he likes, rather he dangles the fish hook with a worm or grasshopper which the fish likes. Let me quickly put up a caveat early enough. Looking at the other person’s point of view should not be confused as manipulating that person in order for that person to do something that is solely for your benefit and to their detriment. Empathy strives towards getting a win-win situation; one that is favourable both to you and the other person. It is not a trick to cheat the other person, rather you get the best possible for both parties. Each party gains from the negot
PEOPLE POWER; INFLUENCE IN HUMAN RELATIONS (PART TWO) A story was once told of a safety coordinator at an engineering firm employed to ensure that employees wore their protective hats on the field. His initial approach was to make them comply by force; authoritatively citing company’s regulations.  The result? All he got was a sullen, temporary acceptance. No sooner had he left than the workers removed the hats. He however changed his approach and got a better result. This perhaps reminds of the statement of Thomas Edison that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a different result. “Methods must change for results to change.” Ishola Emmanuel Well what did our safety coordinator friend do? He asked some of the workers who wore their hats whether the hats were uncomfortable and oversize and then reminding them in a pleasant tone of voice that the hat was for their safety and protection from injury. The result was an increased compliance by the work
PEOPLE POWER; INFLUENCE IN HUMAN RELATIONS   (PART ONE) One of the keys to success is skill in relating with people. There is no person who will not at one time or the other have to deal with people. If you are in business, a housewife, architect or engineer, you must interact with people. Dale Carnegie said, if you are an engineer, fifteen percent (15%) of your financial success is based on professional knowledge and eighty-five percent (85%) is based on the ability to express ideas, assume leadership and arouse enthusiasm among the people. It is so important to take time to learn how to make people like you, win people over to your way of thinking and change people without causing offense or arousing resentment. To emphasize the importance of people power, let us hear from John D. Rockefeller.  In the heyday of his activity, John D. Rockefeller, one of the most successful Americans in history said: “the ability to deal with people is as purchasable a commodity as sugar or coffee
LUMINANCE INSPIRATION FOR THE WEEK: YOUR MOST PRECIOUS AND EXTRAORDINARY GARDEN Your most precious and extraordinary garden is your mind. Every thing is created twice. First in your mind before reality. The Wright brothers must have created the Aeroplane first in their minds before it became a reality. Alexander Graham Bell must have believed that it was possible to invent the telephone before it also became a reality. Dr. David Oyedepo must have believed it was possible for a private individual to establish a world class University like The Covenant University before that came into reality. So in order that the inventions and products that is inside you to come to reality, you must also watch your mind. I once read from one of the books of Dr. Sam Adeyemi that With every new level comes a new devil. The interesting thing is that you scale through by guarding the mind. The relevant computing terminology is GIGO which stands for Garbage in Garbage out. In order words, what is imp
(PART THREE) GIVING IS LIVING Success can hardly be said to be attained without financial success. At least, money is needed to meet basic needs. Money is nothing but a means of exchange for goods and services. Without offering any product or service therefore, one can hardly be entitled to money. I strongly believe that God wants us to have needs met. How would you create a product and want that product to suffer? If man cannot do it. God cannot either. Your child cannot ask you for bread and you give him stone. “Beloved I wish above all things that you prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers.” Interestingly, God goes beyond meeting your needs which are basically food, clothing and shelter to meeting wants.  The psalmist says “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want” I believe that the main way to tap in this system is giving. It is those who sow in tears that reap in joy. On the contrary, the life of the tight fisted man is of a high temperature. The greatest
GIVING IS LIVING Giving is what Oral Roberts (Founder of Oral Roberts University and author of the Miracle of Seed Faith) calls The Blessing Pact Partnership. He says: "The principles are eternal. They apply to any situation in life. They work in whoever will work them."  According to Oral Roberts, the Blessing Pact Partnership has three components namely;  1. You look to God, not any person or any man as your source 2. You give as seed faith 3. You expect a miracle and watch out for it so you may recognize and receive it. The interesting aspect is that giving raises your expectancy to receive. Your mind is attuned to receive. And as you think in your heart, so are you. You are a living magnet; attracting resources according to your inner expectations. Your inner state of mind becomes your outward reality. As you give, you expect a miracle and sooner it happens. This easily brings to mind, the definition of faith as the substance of thing hoped for, the evidence