Your most precious and extraordinary garden is your mind. Every thing is created twice. First in your mind before reality. The Wright brothers must have created the Aeroplane first in their minds before it became a reality. Alexander Graham Bell must have believed that it was possible to invent the telephone before it also became a reality. Dr. David Oyedepo must have believed it was possible for a private individual to establish a world class University like The Covenant University before that came into reality.

So in order that the inventions and products that is inside you to come to reality, you must also watch your mind. I once read from one of the books of Dr. Sam Adeyemi that With every new level comes a new devil. The interesting thing is that you scale through by guarding the mind. The relevant computing terminology is GIGO which stands for Garbage in Garbage out. In order words, what is imprinted on the inside becomes expressed on the outside. This is similar to what William James,  a twentieth century psychologist meant when he said; "The greatest discovery of my generation is that men can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind." And like King Solomon also said, we are to keep our mind with all diligence for out of its flows the issues of life.

Walt Disney is the founder of Walt Disney company, an American animation and T.V. company based in California, United States. As a teenager Walt Disney was told that he did not have a good imagination and that he was not creative. Winston Churchill, prime minister of Britain, between 1940 and 1945 was told that he was a dullard and bad student and for two times, he failed the entrance examination into the Royal Military College in Sandhurst. Henry Ford, founder of Ford automobiles was also famous for his statement that Whether you think you can or you think you can't you are right.

Like these examples, I want you to stop dwelling on all the negatives that people tell you because you are not who others say you are. Winston Churchill was famous for his statement that the price of greatness is responsibility over each of your thoughts. According to Robin Sharma, the author of the book, "The Monk who sold His Ferrari," Thoughts are things. Vital living things. Vital bundles of energy. Thoughts are as much a part of the material world as the seas, rivers or the chair we sit on.

Even when you are criticised unjustifiably, I am asking that you do not take it personally. Have it at the back of your mind that people only throw sticks at a tree that is bearing fruits. Some people may try to put negative thoughts in your mind by telling you that you did not even finish secondary school, replace that thought with more empowering thoughts that God is bringing the right people across your path and opening doors for you. Regardless of what anyone is telling you, remember that you are not defective, you are not flawed but you have been fearfully made.
Let me end by saying this: As a child, you probably wanted to be a scientist, a singer, a teacher, a doctor or even the president all at once. Essentially, you were not intimidated or insecure. However, as time went on, society began to impose its limitations on us. They began to impose baggages of fear doubts and insecurities. They began to let us know the things we could do and not do. Innocently, people began to contaminate our thinking and to insert negative softwares into the computer system of your mind. Reprogram a more positive software into your mental computer. Shift from impossibility thinking to possibility thinking. Start paying more attention to what is playing in your mind. Remember, you are a victor and not a victim.


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