"Act as if failure is impossible and your success will be assured. Wipe out every thought of not achieving your objectives Whether material or spiritual and your success will be assured. Be brave and set no limits to the workings of your imagination. Never be a prisoner of your past. Become the architect of your future. You will never be the same."
- Robin Sharma The Monk who sold his Ferrari, page 138

One of the most powerful keys to success is to leverage the power of your mind through imagination. Imagination is derived from two words; image and formation. Imagination is therefore the act of forming images in the mind. This formation of positive images in the mind is therefore a positive key to success. What images do you form in your mind? It is extremely important that you watch it because your outer life is usually a reflection of your inner life.
"As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he"
- Proverbs of Solomon

The eagle is set apart for its keen sight and vision. With the eagle's sideways and binocular vision, it can detect the movement of a tiny field mouse hundreds of feet above the ground. So great is the eagle's power of vision that it can survey a five-mile area with great accuracy. The eagle's scope of vision is 275 degrees, enabling the bird to observe either side and gain perspective of anything approaching from behind as well. It can easily identify a prey from about one mile. The eagle's eyes are not fully developed at birth but develop with maturity.
Eagles also see colours with far greater clarity than humans which makes them more aware of the beauty of the earth. Another remarkable feature of the eagle's eyes is the pectens in its eyes which acts as a gyroscope enabling it to navigate with extreme accuracy. An eagle's eyes are set far apart on each side of its head, allowing depth perception, highly advantageous when judging heights and distances.
Unlike the eagle, birds such as crows and turkey hardly achieve great heights and have limited vision. It is more or less the same in life as well. You build capacity in your vision and imagination. And what stands you out really is the capacity that you have built over time through your mind. Chief Obafemi Awolowo once gave an experiment of stones arranged in a jar. The experiment is like this:
Arrange stones in a jar - placing the small stones on top while the big stones are placed at the bottom of the jar. Then shake the jar thoroughly and what do you find? You will find that the small stones, (previously on top) rattle their way downwards the while the big stones find their way to the top. The interpretation of this in real life is that some individuals without requisite qualifications or capacity may find themselves on top may be due to favoititicism, tribalism, ethnicism and nepotism while the truly competent are disregarded and relegated to the background. However, this does not last long because, if you have developed the powers of your mind thoroughly, even if you find yourself down temporarily, you cannot be defeated, the "jar" of life will shake again and you will find yourself on top provided that you have built capacity over time! Building capacity is done by building yourself up mentally, intellectually, spiritually and so on.

It is simply a fact of life that the higher you fly, the further you see. It becomes a tragedy when you fly high but you are not equipped to see further down the road. You must learn to develop the power of vision - seeing further down the road- for even the eyes of the eagle are not fully developed at birth.

If you can visualize it, you can actualize it.
"Anything the mind if man can conceive and believe, that it can achieve"
- Napoleon Hill
A dynamic life must be fired by vision for if you imagine it, you can achieve it and if you dream it, you can become it.
Vision will make you see the invincible, believe the incredible and achieve the impossible. Men and women with vision and imagination see further than others. They have empires in their brains. They produce higher quality work than those driven by survival. The poorest person on the earth is not the one without a Kobo (money) but the one without a dream.


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