The story is told of an interviewer went around sampling random people in a village asking the question, “What irritates you the most?”
There were many answers from various people. Some people said poverty. Other people said it is harsh weather. Some others said it is diseases.  Finally, this interviewer came across a philosopher and asked the same question, “What irritates you the most?”
The philosopher answered, “Who are you?”
To this, the interviewer answered, “I am Emeka Mansar Musa” The philosopher responded, “No, that is just your name, but who are you?” Emeka Musa said, “I am a journalist by profession.”
The philosopher responded, “No, that is only your occupation, who are you?”
“Well, I am the son of Mansar Musa,” came the reply
“That is only your family line.”
“Now, who are you?” The journalist (interviewer) finally left his mouth wide open as he did not know any other answers to the question, “Who am I?”

The philosopher finally looked up and said, “Mansar Musa, do you know what irritates me the most? – being unaware of who you are!”
This may seem funny yet have you really pondered on the question, “Who am I?” “What is your identity?” Your purpose for existence? The answer to this question is the key to your destiny fulfillment and life satisfaction. Please note that you are not your job description. You are not your title. You are not defined based on your title, birth or family position. You are what resonates deeply within you. You should define yourself on the basis of what you have come to the earth to fulfill.

Bill Gates answered the question “Who am I?” by saying that he is the father of software computer.
Abraham Lincoln answered the question by stating that his purpose was to abolish slavery. He achieved this on February 1, 1865 when he signed the 13th Amendment to the United States’ Constitution which officially repealed slavery.

Steve Jobs answered the question, “Who am I?” by saying that “I am a man who wants to teach computers to think like people rather than teaching people to think like computers.” He went ahead to create the Apple II and the Macintosh. Here is what Steve Jobs had to say:
“Our time is limited, so do not waste it living someone else’s life. Do not be trapped by dogma that means living by other people’s thoughts. Do not let the voice of other people muffle your own inner voice.  The most important thing; have courage to follow your heart and mind; somehow they already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is of secondary importance.”

Even Jesus answered the question, “Who am I?” At various times in His life, he said, “I am the bread of life,” “I am the Good Shepherd,” I am the way the truth and the life and so on and so forth. You have to answer it too. Having answered these questions significantly, Jesus could cement his place in history as the greatest man who ever lead and the founder of an institution that has a world-wide outreach. After he answered this question, he became less distracted by his environment. He was working assiduously to fulfill his purpose here on earth rather than being guided by the opinions of others. Discovering your purpose is a vital key to ensuring that your life will not be dull and unnoticed.

The world will be missing something if you do not fulfill and realize your purpose. What if Steve Jobs had not invented the first Macintosh? What if Bill Gates did not invent Microsoft? What if Thomas Edison did not invent the light bulb? The sound recorder? The phonograph and his 1, 093 inventions patented in the United States alone. You also have something unique and special to deliver to your world so do not deny your world of it.


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