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 The scriptures in Hebrews 10 v 35 states that we are not to cast away our confidence, for it will be richly rewarded. That simply means that if we will stay in faith, if we will keep believing, keep hoping, keep doing the right thing, God promises that there will be a reward.  You see, it is pretty much like an expectant mother. For a woman who is going to have a baby, the first month or two is not that difficult since the mother-to-be looks and feels much the same.  A few months into the pregnancy however, things start to change for the expectant mother. She gains the baby's weight. She carries around the extra pounds. Her feet may swell up. Her back may hurt. She may start vomiting in the morning. She may have some nausea, some morning sickness and so on and so forth. By the eighth or the ninth month, her husband has no choice than to comply with whatever she says and give her some space. He has to do whatever she says without talking back to her. Why is this so, it is because i


 The story is told of an old man who was reputed for his wisdom and his ability to dissolve hard sentences. Presidents, governors, captains of industry visited this man to seek his invaluable advice and not once did he disappoint. He always gave the correct answers to the questions he was asked.  One day, three young boys sought to puncture this man's reputation. Their plan was that they would approach this man with a live bird in their hands and ask him whether the birds were alive or dead. If he said they were alive, they would compress the birds in their hands until they died and if he said they were dead, they would open their hands; releasing it until the birds flew away. The second riddle the boys confronted the old man with was the state of their future; They sought to know from the old man, whether they would be better, happier and richer than their current state. With excitement, the young boys got to the residence of the old wise man and put forward their questions; "


 HE GAVE NO ANSWER (INSPIRATIONAL) Hi there! There is something unique about the Markan account of Jesus' crucifixion that I want to share with you.  Let's go Mark chapter 15. The Amplified Version. I will start quickly from verse one;  And immediately when it was morning, the chief priests, with the elders and scribes and the whole council, held a consultation;  This means that there was a crowd right there... and when they had bound Jesus, they took Him away [violently] and handed Him over to Pilate. 2. inquired of Him, Are You the King of the Jews? And He replied, It is as you say. So Jesus had answered that the way they had called Him the king of the Jews was correct. What they said is what it is. Verse three is where it gets interesting because they were still nudging him on... 3 And the chief priests kept accusing Him of many things. Notice that according to verse three they did not accuse him once and go away... 4 And Pilate again asked Him, Have You no answer to make? S


Nasir Ahmad El-Rufai, former Minister of the Federal Capital Territory and current governor of Kaduna state, Nigeria, recounts in his book, "The Accidental Public Servant" (pp. 10-11) When I first came to Kaduna in June 1968, my uncle took me to what was to be my new school to register: Local Education Authority Primary School in Kawo. We were waiting in the office of the headmaster, Mr. Julius O. Audu and I saw that day's edition of The New Nigerian - the leading newspaper in the North at the time -on his desk... I took the paper and became so engrossed in reading it that I did not notice the headmaster standing there watching me when he returned. "You were reading my paper. Can you read a newspaper? Asked the headmaster. I said I could ...He then directed me to read the first paragraph which I also did. Of course, my pronunciation was not perfect but he was impressed with the extent to which I could read because because the norm for students coming from a village t


When David was anointed with a vial of oil by prophet Samuel, he was just about fifteen (15) years of age but according to 2nd Samuel 5 v 4, David did not become king until he was 30 years old. Now you would think that immediately after his anointing, he should he appointed as king but that was not so. Instead, in between his anointing and appointing, David faced a myriad of challenges including facing Goliath, being banished by Saul, hiding in the deserts, facing threats to his life by king Saul, living on the run and fighting many battles. In fact, after his anointing, he had to go to the shepherd's field again, tending sheep. Just like David, you may have already being anointed but it may seem like your appointing is taking long. My message for you is to be encouraged and not be weighed down by the process.  DONT LET THE PROCESS YOU FACE AFTER YOUR ANOINTING LEAD TO ANNOYANCE, LET IT LEAD TO PERSEVERANCE! FAITHFULNESS IN THE PROCESS LEADS TO FRUITFULNESS. Responding properly in


Have you heard about the Chinese bamboo tree before? It is a tree that is quite unique because only a patient farmer can go through the process of planting the tree and waiting for its growth. For the first four years after planting a bamboo tree, you would not find anything on the ground. However, within this period, the Chinese bamboo tree is developing a massive root system underground.  After the first four years when you could not find anything on the ground, the Chinese bamboo tree grows as high as 80 feet in its fifth year. Eighty feet growth just in one year. Your fifth year result just like that of the bamboo tree is ahead but I want to encourage you not to be weighed down by the four years process when it seems like nothing is growing.  Just like the bamboo tree, you have to realize that there are better days in your future different from the process of the present you may be going through. The lonely season, the discouraging season and the seemingly stagnant season of the mo


  GIVE IT UP TO GO UP! There is the story of a three year old daughter, and her father. One day, her father bought her a baby doll and she happened to like the baby doll so much. Two weeks after her father asked for the baby doll back. His daughter replied, dad you know I love this baby doll, if you do not mind, I can give you my toy car instead. The father walked away, saying nothing. A month after the father asked her again, “Can I have your baby doll?” His daughter replied again, “Dad, this baby doll is dear to me. If you do not mind, I will give you my water bottle instead.”  The father walked away again.  Two months later, the father was back and asked, “My daughter, that your baby doll, errrrrr, please let me have it.” The daughter replied, “Daddy, it is not as if I do not want to give you…but I love it so much. I can give you my wristwatch instead.” This happened again and again until one day the daughter finally decided to give up her treasured baby doll. When her father came a


 THE DAVID IN THE MARBLE #Motivational  #INSPIRE In the year 1501, the Italian sculptor named Michelango Lodovico Buonarroti was commissioned to create a statue of David and Goliath for the Cathedral of Florence. He worked on this statue for three years and the statue was finally completed in the year 1504.  As you would expect, Michelango’s statue was a masterpiece. After it was placed in the Academia Gallery in Florence, everyone who saw it was wowed. Now when Michelango was asked how he was able to sculpt something so beautiful he explained that one morning while he was walking to the studio as he always did, he looked down and he saw a huge piece of marble in between the grass and bushes.  In the words of Michelango, “I saw the David in the block of marble at the very beginning. My sole job from then on was to remove everything that was not the David until only perfection was left.” Now my message for you is that there is always a David in the marble. In that seeming challenging ci


  We will begin with the story of a businessman who was once asked a question. He was asked, “What is the best contract or business deal you ever you ever saw in your life?” The man gave a very interesting answer. He said, the best contract I ever saw in my life is the one that I lost. As expected, the people listening to him were shocked and very surprised. The man continued assertively, “yes the best business deal I ever saw in my life is the one that I lost.” You know why, “It was from that deal that I learnt what works and what does not work.” “It was from that deal that I learnt the principles that works and the principles that won’t work.” “It was from that deal that I learnt what makes for failure and makes for success in my business.” The vital lesson that we can learn from this story is that he did not become a thermometer reflecting the temperature of the failure around him. Instead, he allowed the failure to turn him into a thermostat that sets the temperature for his future


We will start with the story of the eagle. You must have heard of the eagle before. It is a very powerful bird and it has been given the appellation king of the sky.  But there is something about the eagle that you may not have heard of. Do you know that even before the eagle is born, it has a tiny beak in its mouth that will help it break out of the egg.  Now here is where it gets interesting, if anyone tries to help the eagle break out of the egg, the eagle will probably not survive it. You know why? Here is why:  Breaking out of the egg with its beak is how the eagle derives the audacity, pertinacity and tenacity to become a successful bird. And today, the results are obvious. In the year 1782, the United States of America actually chose the eagle as its national bird.  This shows how much the eagle has been held in such a high esteem. The million dollar question really is what is the lesson we could derive from the experience of the eagle? Well the message may be shocking but it is


 YOUR BELIEF SYSTEM MAKES YOU (PART ONE) “The law of belief is operating in all religions of the world and it is the reason why they are psychologically true. The Buddhist, the Christian, the Moslem and the Hebrew, all may get answers to their prayers not just because of their particular creed, religious affiliation, ritual, ceremony, formula, liturgy, incantation, sacrifice or offerings, but solely because of their belief or mental acceptance and receptivity about that for which they pray. The law of the mind is the law of belief, and belief could be summed up briefly as a thought in your mind. As a man thinks, feels and believes, so is the condition of his mind, body and circumstances.” Quote from Dr. Joseph Murphy, in his book, “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind” Page Dear friend, the way you habitually think creates your destiny. God is resident in you. Your thought power opens up your communion with God. Your thoughts and heart are crucial in opening up your communion with God a