
Showing posts from 2020


 YOUR PAST WAS DESIGNED NOT TO PUNISH YOU BUT TO POLISH YOU #Motivational Your past was not designed to punish you but to polish you.  But it can only polish you when you pick up the necessary lessons from your past and move on. Yesterday is gone, the events of yesterday are past, you cannot do anything about them. You cannot even correct or amend them. Therefore, leave them there and look ahead.  If you fall, you should rise again. Even a new baby does not learn how to walk the very first day. Whenever you fall, rise again. Why? Because you do not belong there on the floor. Barrister Paul of Tarsus said, “Forgetting those things that are behind” and we are also told in Isaiah to “Remember not the former things and not to consider things of old.” If there is anything at all from your past that you should remember, let it be your great successes and accomplishments. Your triumphs and not your trials are what you should keep in remembrance. You never find a general in the army who does n


 HELLO! GODDESS OF LUCK Who is the goddess of luck and by what means can mortals attract themselves to her? One view is that she is to be found at the gaming tables. For instance, when a person stakes his money on a sport game and wins, can we that is a sure way of attracting luck? Could the goddess of luck manifest herself through the finding of a lost wallet? What of those who have massive inheritance bestowed upon them? Would you describe them as lucky? Well, the inherent defect in the above scenarios is that these “benefits” are ephemeral. In most cases they do not last long. Numerous examples abound of people who came into large inheritance – but unfortunately, it never lasted. Another defect in gaming and betting is that the chances of profits are usually in favour of the game keeper. This is why sport-betting companies in Nigeria keep proliferating.  Where then can luck be found? Well, according to Arkad, the protagonist of George S. Clason’s famous classic book, The Richest Man


 TRANSFORMING BREAKDOWNS TO BREAKTHROUGHS (INSPIRATION TODAY) It was the great inspirational writer, Dr. Norman Vincent Peale who said that, “Whenever God wants to send you a gift, He wraps it up in a problem. The greater the gift that God wants to send you, the greater the problem He wraps it in. Similarly, Thomas Edison said opportunities wrap themselves in problems that look like work. The challenge with most people is that is that they experience the pain but they are so busy complaining and blaming others that they do not see the gift. The point is this: Always look for the good in it. There is always a valuable lesson in every problem or difficulty that you encounter. Look at the miracle right in that obstacle. Look at the triumphs right in that trial.  The Law of concentration says that whatever you dwell upon grows in your life.  The more you think about what you want and where you are going- the more optimistic and positive you remain. This is what Dr. Martin Seligman of the U


Success comes bit by bit. It is therefore important to ensure that what you are doing at the moment is in tune with your overall future success. You must not be busy for busyness sake, instead you should be busy for business sake. Every day is either a successful day or a day of failure and it is the successful days which get you what you want. If every day is a success, you cannot fail to be outstanding and rich but if every day is a failure you can never get outstanding and rich. When you leave undone, what ought to be done today, you have failed in so far as that particular thing is concerned and the consequences may be more disastrous than you can imagine. You cannot foresee the results of even the most trivial act. You do not know the workings of all the forces that have been set moving in your direction. In most cases, people are unsuccessful because they spend too much time doing things that contribute little to their lives. They spend more and more time doing things that have l


 Activity is not productivity. Never equate busyness for business. It is not hard work that matters but what you get done. It is not the sweat toil, wailing and gnashing of teeth that matters but the thing that gets done. It is not just about activity, but about activity in the right direction. To use scientific language, you should not be a scalar quantity but also a vector.  In the words of Wattles D. Wallace, “You are not to overwork, nor to rush blindly into your business in the effort to do the greatest possible number of things in the shortest possible time. It is not really the number of things but the efficiency of each separate action that counts.” Key tasks are the key to your productivity. Much may depend on doing some simple but important act which might be the very thing which will unleash even greater opportunities to you. Your neglect or failure to do small but important things may cause a long delay in getting what you want. Do every day, all important tasks that can be


 Many people are held back all their lives because of a mistake they made in years past. Perhaps, you feel remorse and regret at something you had done or said; but these feelings can hold you back like weight from rising to fulfill your complete potential. Now, my message to you is that the person you are today and the person who did or said those things in the past are not one and the same. You are different today; wiser and more experienced. Therefore you cannot continue to punish who you are today by continually regretting what you did when you were a different person.  Remember; your mind is like a garden; either weeds will grow or flowers will grow. Dwell only on power thoughts. As you do so, you move from victim to victor. You free yourself from the baggages of the past and you unleash your potentials for realizing your future. #inspire #mindset #positivethinking #upbuilding


 THE EAGLE'S NEST The eagles nest is a sight to behold; It weighs more than two tonnes and in fact, it can support two grown men. You do not find this kind of nest anywhere else. It is usually found in the most remote and unattainable spot the bird can find and then it will be perched very high in the mountains or on some sheer cliff or a very high tree. Due to the massive size of this nest and the fact that each and every stick and materials like timber from construction sites, discarded clothing, paper, fresh stick, grass and leaves  to prevent the nest from getting dirty  has to be carried to this remote building by the eagle, you will easily agree that the nest building will be a huge task for the eagle. The eagle, however, is not intimidated or overwhelmed by the sheer intensity of this task. It understands the power of goals and taking little steps  which add up in the long run  towards the achievement of these goals. As Robert Schuller said, “By the yard, it is hard but in


 We saw this principle of giving in full display in Abraham's life; how he was clearly rushing to entertain strangers, how that he gave to Melchizedek and so on. In fact, the very moment Sarah asked him to cast out Hagar, he did not send her away empty handed. He gave her bread and a skin of water!  The key to never ceasing and increasing blessings is giving. Until you become committed to meeting the needs of others, your needs are not met. How do I know this? Well, Proverbs 19 verse 17 states that "Mercy to the poor is a loan to God and God repay those loans in full.." Proverbs 11:24, 25 states that He who helps others is helped and he who blessed others is blessed.  Therefore, do not be like the dead sea, which stinks because it is stagnant, it only takes in and never gives out. Be like the fresh ocean; a source of joy and happiness for many 


 "The way to get riches is to enrich others." --Ishola Emmanuel "Life is not about getting and having, it is about giving and being" -Kevin Cruse The world's richest pastor, Bishop David Oyedepo wrote in his book, "Breaking Financial Hardship", that the key to prosperity is sacrifice. In his words, "Sacrifice is the master key that turns the captivity of people's finances anytime any day. Giving is not a mere activity. It is a work and only those who take it as a work profit by it. It is not a hobby or a religious activity." Giving truly is that ship that can rescue any sinking saint out of the ocean of poverty and lack. The covenant which Good had with Abraham is in two-fold, God said to Father Abraham, "I will bless you and thou shalt be a blessing." From this it becomes clear that it is when you commit your self to blessing others that God becomes committed to blessing you.


 Think of it this way. If you are clear where you are going (using goals) and you take several steps in that direction every day, you will eventually have to get there. If I head north out of the University of Ibadans zoological garden and take some steps forward, I will eventually end up at the Old sports complex. I want you to realize that you are the master of your soul and the captain of your fate. Success comes by taking a hundred percent responsibility for your life. You are not to blame your uncle, aunt or any other family member. You are where you are and what you are because of what you have done or failed to do. You are very much the architect of your own destiny. If it is going to be, then it is up to you. Today lies ahead of you waiting to be shaped, and here you are the sculptor who gets to do the shaping. What today will be like is up to you. You get to determine what kind of day you will have. When you accept complete responsibility for your life, you take the giant st


  A Harvard Study, conducted between 1979 and 1989 depicts the importance of goals. In 1979, only three percent of graduates of the Harvard MBA programme had written clear goals and plans. 13% had goals which were not in writing while 84% had no specific goals at all other than getting out of school and enjoying the summer. Ten years later, (1989), the research showed that the 13 percent who had goals that were not in writing earned on the average, twice more than the 84 % of students who had no goals at all. The amazing discovery was that the 3 % of graduates with clear, written goals were worth ten times more than the other 97 % of graduates put together. Clearly, goal-setting gives clarity which in turn speeds up your success rate. What do you really want to have, be and do? Clarity brings power. Being clear about your goals puts you in the top three percent of the worlds achievers. To move into the top 1 percent of achievers, write down specific action plans that will help yo


"The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex, to tasks into small manageable tasks and starting on the first one. " Mark Twain, Celebrated American author and humorist. "If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy and inspires your hopes"  - Andrew Carnegie, The Richest Man in America in the 1900s A goal is a vision with a feet while goal setting refers to the art of setting specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound objectives. This means that your goals must be smart and you should act on them with the certainty that you will achieve them. There must also be a timeline attached so that you do not wander aimlessly, thinking you have all the years in the world. Scientists have discovered that the brain is a goal seeking organism. The truth is that whatever goal you give to your subconscious mind, it will work day in, day out to achieve it.  Success,


The greatest tragedy to befall a man is to have sight but lack vision.  - Helen Keller "Man's mind, stretched to a new idea, never goes back to its original dimensions." -Oliver Wendell Holmes You must forget the cynics, doubters and knockers for there will always be discouragers and doubters; people who cannot see beyond the first obstacles. People of vision do not only have the courage to dream but also the ability to organize and the strength to execute  Albert Schweitzer said: "The tragedy of life is not that we die but what dies inside a man while he lives. Vision and the enthusiasm that comes with it creates power leading to greater productivity. This feeling of productivity will no doubt improve your self-esteem.  Men who are driven by vision produce higher quality work than those driven by survival - Dr. Sam Adeyemi You develop vision in stillness and quietness; not in the hustle and bustle of daily life.  Vision comes from spending time in solitude and refle


  Life is filled with opportunities; mountains to climb and conquer with others to follow. When you are no more interested in climbing other mountains and seeing other mountains to climb, life is over. There was a man who caught an eagle and kept it confined for seventeen good years.  One day, he advertised to sell his goods at an auction and decided that at the end of the sale, he would liberate this old eagle. People came from hundreds of miles to see this bird set free. The auction was over and low clouds hung over the dark earth. However, when the cage was opened, the eagle did not move. His master called it, still it stayed inside. The master pulled it out and with all his strength tried to push the bird towards the zenith, but the eagle's great wings only spread back to the man's shoulders. Just then, there shot through the clouds, a bright beam of sunshine, straight to the eagle's eyes. The eagle rose as if by magnet towards the source. Just like the eagle, the ima


“That a man can change himself, improve himself, re-create himself control his environment and master his own destiny is the conclusion of every mind who is wide awake to the power of right thought and constructive action.” -Larsen Joseph Murphy explains the point so we'll by noting that your habitual thinking and imagery mold, fashion and create your destiny, for as a man thinketh in his subconscious mind, so is he…It is the world within namely your thoughts, imagery and feelings that makes your world without.  It is therefore the only creative power and almost everything you find in your world of expression has been created by you in the inner world of your mind consciously or unconsciously. During the building of the tower of Babel, you must have seen where even God himself recognized the potency of man’s imagination. He said, now the people are one and NOTHING WILL BE RESTRAINED FROM THEM WHAT THEY HAVE IMAGINED TO DO.  Imagination is therefore a potent force for advancement. I


In the power of positive thinking, Dr.  Norman Vincent Peale wrote, “Everywhere you encounter people who are inwardly afraid, who shrink from life, who suffer from a deep sense of inadequacy and insecurity, who doubt their own powers. Deep within themselves, they mistrust their abilities to meet responsibilities or to grasp opportunities. Always, they are beset by the sinister and vague fear that something is not going to be quite alright. They do not believe that they have it in them to be what they want to be and so they try to make themselves content with something less than that of which they are capable. Thousands upon thousands go crawling on their hands and knees, afraid and defeated and in most cases, such frustration of power is unnecessary."           Just like Dr. Peale emphasized, this  need not be so. In the words of Dr, Karl Menninger, “Attitudes are more important than facts.” You may not be able to change the reality but you can change your attitude towards the


Interestingly, ignorance is from the Greek word, Skoltia (meaning darkness) while  knowledge is from the Greek word phos   (meaning light) Knowledge is therefore light. To live without knowledge is to grope around in a dark room without switching on the light.  Poor people have big T.V.s and small libraries while rich people have big libraries which automatically provides the biggest T.V. sizes if they want it. Are you willing to make the necessary sacrifices? Benjamin Franklin said, empty your pocket in your head and your head will end up filling your pockets to the brim.


The cloak I left at Troas bring with you and the books but especially the parchments." -Barrister Paul of Tarsus May I say this; Paul who wrote one-third of the New Testament was a man who certainly understood the power of books. You cannot grow more than you know. What you know makes you glow and what you know makes you known. Therefore reading becomes necessary so as to acquire knowledge. Ben Carson, raised all his life by a single mother and initially perceived as a dullard became a world renowned neurosurgeon, with so many breakthroughs in surgery including separation of Siamese twins. He attests in his books like "Think Big" and 'The Big Picture" that it was the library in inner city Detroit that developed his mind.


"I Daniel understood by books" Daniel 9:2 Daniel had an excellent spirit, yet he still realized that his soul (consisting of his emotions, will and intellect) must be developed through study. The "anointing" will not quicken you if you have not put anything there. The purpose of the anointing is to remind you of things. However, what happens when you have put nothing there?  This is the reason you have to continuously study to be steady. Anointing without any conscious efforts for growth will lead to annoyance.  Nobody can claim to know it all, only God is omniscient; however this is not an excuse to jettison the search for knowledge. We must constantly seek to know something about everything and everything about something. Faith Oyedepo once said that knowledge is not a gift and knowledge requires continual upgrade. Knowledge is not a gift hence it must be actively sought for. You do not just sit down somewhere expecting it to fall on your laps Reading


Live in the moment and let your attention be completely on the tasks at hand. Let there be no energy leaks. It is just like a bicycle; if there are leaks in it, the tube eventually deflates and your journey comes to an end. Similarly, where there are worries and distraction in the mind, you deprive yourself of vitality and energy which affects the task at hand.  However, when a tyre is fully inflated, it can take you to your destination. Shake up your life a bit. Get rid of the cobwebs in your mind. Transcend your comfort zone. Take the road less travelled.


Every great man has become great; every successful man has succeeded, in proportion as he has confined his powers to one particular channel. - Orison Swett Maden When the sun rays is focused on a magnifying glass, fire lights. That is the power of concentration. Similarly, when you concentrate the tremendous power of your mind on definite meaningful activities, you quickly ignite the flames of your personal potential to produce result.  Find out what you love to do and direct all of your energy towards doing it. You need three vital things when facing any task; speed, intensity and focus. The moment you concentrate your mental power and energy on a pursuit that you love, abundance flows into your life and all your desires are fulfilled with ease and grace.


Napoleon Hill said, Every experience has in it seeds of an equivalent or greater benefit. Interestingly, the original Chinese word for character has two meanings; one that means crisis while the second means opportunity. When you form the habit of searching for the positive in every circumstance, your life will move into its highest dimensions. Every experience even the worst offers you a lesson. Stop being a prisoner of your own past. Be the architect of your own future.           The idea I want to pass across to you this post is this: Success on the outside begins with success on the inside. By changing your thoughts you can change your life. Luck is when aspiration meets with opportunity. The moment you harness your mind and direct its focus only to the task at hand; the moment you concentrate the focus of your mind on a singular purpose; extra ordinary gifts will appear within your life.


The book of Joshua says that This book of the Law shall not depart out of thy mouth but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. Now the point I am making here is that the word meditate here in Hebrew means, hagah which means to utter or speak under your voice. Now, when you are meditating, it means that you are talking or muttering something to yourself. Interpreted differently therefore, Thou shalt meditate means that Thou shall talk the Word under your voice to yourself day and night. Now this may mean that you are soliloquizing; standing in one corner talking to yourself. Of course, this may look strange to others; making others look at you funnily, thinking that something is wrong with you. But this is not a problem at all for even the bible says that we are a peculiar people. Do not be bothered about what others are sa


A critical look at the life of Job could reveal that Job brought his misfortune upon himself through his words. He said fearful words like: I'm not safe. I do not know what my children are up to right now. Those kids will be the death of me.  (Job 3:25) Stop being careless with your words. Make it a quotidian habit to say only pleasant things to yourself in the mirror daily. Blab it and grab it. Confess it to possess it. You get what you say. So watch what you say to yourself about yourself when you are alone with yourself.


Death and life are in the power of the tongue and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. Proverbs 18: 21 What we think informs what we say and what you say forms you. Be careful what you attach to the words, I am. Your affirmation becomes your afformation. Your words (whatever you affirm) will later end up forming you. Can I tell you that this very world we live in was created by word of mouth. God said, Let there be light: and there was light. Be careful with the words you say to yourself as well: Such statements as: Things are getting worse or I do not know what to do will not get you anywhere.


Since your mind thinks in pictures replace any negative thought with a more positive one. Some people may try to put negative thoughts in your mind by telling you that you did not even finish secondary school or other things which you may lack, replace that thought with more empowering thoughts that God is bringing the right people across your path and opening doors for you. Regardless of what anyone is telling you, remember that you are not defective, you are not flawed but you have been fearfully made. Whatever things are true, honest, lovely, of good report. If there be any virtue, if there be any praise, think on these things Barrister Paul of Tarsus, student of Gamaliel. A worrisome thought starts off small but grows and soon it takes a life of its own. Thoughts are things; metered messages we send out to our physical world. Winston Churchill was famous for his statement that the price of greatness is responsibility over each of your thoughts. According to Robin Sh


I am a bit concerned that rather than focusing on all the good in their life, some people are captives of their past. It is not good that some people would rather choose to worry about failed relationships, past failures and so on. Others brood over more trifling matters such as how a shop attendant might have treated them or a comment someone made unintentionally that hurt them and so on and so forth. This attitude allows worry to rob you of your lifes force. You block the enormous potential of your mind to work magic and deliver into your life all that you want, emotionally, physically and spiritually. You cant afford the luxury of a single negative thought really. Self-knowledge of the kind of thoughts you think is the stepping stone to mastery. Replace any undesirable thought with an uplifting one. Imagine your mind as a giant slide projector. Take caution to replace negative slide with a more positive one.


 King Solomon also said, we are to keep our mind with all diligence for out of its flows the issues of life.  Today I'm asking you to shift from impossibility thinking to possibility thinking. Today I ask that you start thinking about what you are thinking about and start paying more attention to what is playing in your mind. Remember, you are a victor and not a victim. Thoughts are so important and that is why the wisest king of Israel who lived could say in Proverbs 4 verse 23 that As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.  Solomon also says that whosoever hath no rule over his spirit is like a broken fortress and a city without walls. Dont you think that is strong?                Can I tell you an amazing fact about you? Yes, you! On an average, you run about sixty thousand thoughts through your mind. The most interesting part of it is that 95% of the thoughts you think today were the ones you thought the day before. Scientists call this auto-pilot mode. More than


The best way to use your time is to ensure that at every point, you are either adding value to yourself, adding value to others or creating a product of value. If you are not doing any of these, you should be resting so as to reserve and refuel your energy. So then be careful how you live. Do not be unwise but wise, making the best use of your time. Therefore do not be foolish but understand what the Lords will is.  Ephesians 5: 15-17 Behave wisely towards outsiders, making the best use of your time. Colosians 4:5 One of the best ways to use your time is asking yourself: What is the most valuable use of my time right now? There is always an answer to this question every minute and every hour. (Brian Tracy) It is not enough to be busy. The question is what are you busy about? The ants also are busy. Never mistake activity for productivity or busyness for business.  Concentrate on high value activities. For effective time management, start


We must understand that we hold enormous power inside the super computer resting in between our ears and standing on our necks. World renowned neurosurgeon, Ben Carson said that we have not even used a bit of our brains capacity. That is amazing! Robin Sharma wrote that some people have used the enormous power of their minds to go on days without sleep. That is still on the enormous power of the mind. Even the best thinkers are only using perhaps one hundredth 1/100th or at most, one-tenth of their mental nerves. At all times, your aim should be to tend the garden of your mind and uproot the weeds of doubt and the thorns of fear from your most precious garden. As within, so without. Your outer life is actually a reflection of your inner life. By caring for and nurturing your mind, you will cultivate it just like a fertile, rich garden and it will blossom far beyond your expectations. On the other hand, when you let the weeds take root, you deny yourself of lasting peace of mind an


"Act as if failure is impossible; Wipe out every thought of not achieving your objectives whether material or spiritual and your success will be assured. Be brave and set no limits to the workings of your imagination. Never be a prisoner of your past. Become the architect of your future. You will never be the same." - Robin Sharma, The Monk who sold his Ferrari page 138 The secret to success is not aptitude but your attitude. If you attach a number to the alphabets accordingly; say A equals 1, B = 2 C=3 and so on and so forth and total the corresponding numbers for ATTITUDE, you will realize that you will get a 100 percent. That confirms that attitude really is everything. Happiness does not depend on outward conditions but on inner conditions. You get happiness by controlling your thoughts. It is not what you are or who you are or where you are that makes you happy. It is what you think about. According to William Shakespeare, there is nothing either good or bad bu


Most people live- whether physically, intellectually or morally- in a very restricted circle of their potential being. We all have reservoirs to draw upon of which we do not dream The greatest discovery of my generation is that men can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind. William James, English philosopher Your most precious and extraordinary garden is your mind. Everything is created twice. First, in your mind before reality. The Wright brothers must have created the aeroplane first in their minds before it became a reality. Alexander Graham Bell must have believed that it is possible to invent the telephone before it also became a reality. Dr. David Oyedepo must have believed it is possible for a private individual to establish a world class university like The Covenant University before that came into reality. “The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potentials, these are the keys to unlock personal success. So in order th


Please don't ever make the mistake of thinking that you are empty! Never! You are super loaded. You owe your world a lot. You should be using your gifts instead of losing them. You can either use it or lose it. Discover your purpose today! The task of discovering your purpose will however remain in your hands. A parable was once told thus: God made a human being from clay and there was one unused piece left. What else should I make for you? God asked. Shape happiness  the human begged, God said nothing and put the remaining piece of clay into the mans hand. The main lesson of this parable is that only you are responsible for making your life a happy one. You do that by discovering your purpose. Remember, some men spend their lives servicing their passions, while some other men employ their passions in the service of their lives. Choose wisely. Remember; If you have fire, you owe your world some heat                    If you have food, you owe your world some meat    


The final method of discovering your purpose is to look at those who you admire and look up to. Personally, as a young boy of sixteen I was attracted to Dr. Sam Adeyemi, a very likeable motivational speaker. It was an exciting feeling looking forward to his Television broadcast every Sunday afternoon in 2015 on Television Continental (T.V.C.) Each time I hear him speak, something clicks inside me.  Which people do you admire? What books catch your fancy? That could be a pointer to your lifes purpose. For you, your subconscious mind sometimes say, Oh...I wish I was like XYZ. Oh! Could that be a pointer to your life's purpose and passion? Who is attracted to you and who are you attracted to? Remember, the popular statement that birds of a feather flock...(You can complete this popular saying) Right now, you have the keys to discover your lifes purpose and calling. An important thing that I am going to say is that there is dignity in your lifes calling even if other people do no


The second method of discovering your lifes purpose or calling is that of external opinion. This entails that you should meet a few people who are close to you for their honest and frank opinion of things which they think you have the unique ability to do well. Ask those people close to you for things which you have previously done that has blessed and impressed them. What special qualities do people applaud you for? Having done these, compare your list with the honest appraisal of others and you will have a pretty good idea of your special gifts, talents and abilities. The third method of discovering your purpose is thinking about genetic links. Alternatively, you can look at your family background for any "overriding genes" making your family to have a special flair for any special talents, gifts or abilities. In this part of Africa, where you and I live, the concept of "generational curses" spreads faster than wildfire mixed with petrol. It is so common a


HOW EXACTLY DO YOU DISCOVER PURPOSE? (IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY) Proverbs of Solomon Chapter 25 verse 2 actually talks about the fact that it is the glory of God to conceal a matter but it is the honour of kings to search out a matter. How does this apply to you? Well, it is relevant to you because even though your lifes purpose may not be readily pointed out to you, it is your duty or your responsibility to search it out. There are at least four ways by which you can find your purpose. Number one is through inner reflection, number two is through seeking external opinion, number three is thinking about genetic links and number four is finding out people and things of your admiration. The first method of discovering your lifes purpose and calling is to look inside of you and point out those things which you do easily and which gives you satisfaction and fulfillment. What do you love doing that you do not get bored with? What is that thing that whenever you start working on it


Even Jesus answered the question, Who am I? At various times in His life, he said, I am the bread of life, I am the Good Shepherd, I am the way the truth and the life and so on and so forth. You have to answer it too. Having answered these questions significantly, Jesus could cement his place in history as the greatest man who ever lead and the founder of an institution that has a world-wide outreach. After he answered this question, he became less distracted by his environment. He was working assiduously to fulfill his purpose here on earth rather than being guided by the opinions of others. Discovering your purpose is a vital key to ensuring that your life will not be dull and unnoticed. The world will be missing something if you do not fulfill and realize your purpose. What if Steve Jobs had not invented the first Macintosh? What if Bill Gates did not invent Microsoft? What if Thomas Edison did not invent the light bulb? The sound recorder? The phonograph and his 1, 093 inven


You are not defined based on your title, birth or family position. You are what resonates deeply within you. You should define yourself on the basis of what you have come to the earth to fulfill. Bill Gates answered the question Who am I? by saying that he is the father of software computer. Abraham Lincoln answered the question by stating that his purpose was to abolish slavery. He achieved this on February 1, 1865 when he signed the 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution which officially repealed slavery. Steve Jobs answered the question, Who am I? by saying that I am a man who wants to teach computers to think like people rather than teaching people to think like computers. He went ahead to create the Apple II and the Macintosh. Here is what Steve Jobs had to say: "Our time is limited, so do not waste it living someone elses life. Do not be trapped by dogma that means living by other peoples thoughts. Do not let the voice of other people muffle your ow


This issue of purpose discovery becomes even more important because it is not taught in school.  Only a few schools have arrangements for counseling students who are about to make that important choice of joining Arts or Humanities department, Science department, Commercial Department, or Technology Department when they are in JSS3. Very little schools have arrangement for counseling secondary school graduates who are about to make the all-important choice of a course in the university. The implication is that many people go through life without adequate knowledge of their purpose. They are left to figure it out on their own having to cope with ill-fitting careers. You may even know a few people who say that I do not like this career I am into or this job I am doing, I am only forcing myself to do it. That is what happens when purpose is yet to be discovered.  The story is told of an interviewer went around sampling random people in a village asking the question, What irritates


The wealthiest place in the world is not the gold mines of South America or the oil fields of Iraq or Iran. They are not the diamond mines of South Africa or the banks of the world. The wealthiest place on the planet is just down the road. It is the cemetery. There lie buried companies that were never started, inventions that were never made, bestselling books that were never written, and masterpieces that were never painted. In the cemetery is buried the greatest treasure of untapped potential. Dr. Myles Munroe A cemetery is a literal goldmine of the richest ideas, the perfect business projects, the greatest discoveries, the most astounding musical stores and dynamic pieces of literature, theatre and peace treaties- all of them unheard in this world; all buried with the one created to accomplish themThere are ...people who failed to hear that inner voice that builds dreams and visions of greatnessYOU still have a chance! You are still alive! The voice of the creators heart and


ADVANTAGES OF GOALS 12. Goal setting gives you so much happiness that the very act of thinking about your goals make you happy even before you start to work on it. Goal setting and the steps towards goal achievement can greatly increase your happiness level. As Earl Nightingale said, Happiness is the progressive realization of a worthy goal or ideal. Think back to the times when you were very happy, you will agree with me that most of them were due to the realization of a worthy goal which took you days, weeks, months or even years to accomplish. Typical examples would be gaining admission into the university, graduating, publishing a book and so on and so forth. Goals give you a sense of meaning, purpose and direction which are essentials of life. You feel truly happy, energized and effective when you are making progress, step-by-step, towards something that is important to you. Goal setting also puts you in control as you worry less about the future and the things that you ca


ADVANTAGES OF GOALS (PART SEVEN) 10. Goals facilitates your accomplishments: With goals, you follow a single direction until you reach your aim. You become like the stamp; sticking to the letter until it gets to its destination. Simply put, you never give up. Even though at the outset, your goal has not been achieved, when you keep working on your goal with your heart, soul and body, the impression of your goal on the inside becomes expressed outwardly. Oliver Wendell Holmes: The great thing in this world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving. The world stands aside for that man who knows where he is going. You move from frustration to satisfaction with goals.Goal setting speeds up you results and accomplishments I went by the field  of the slothful and the vineyard of the man void of understanding and lo, it was all fiilled with thorns and nestles covered the face thereof and the stone wall thereof was broken. ---Proverbs of Solomon 11. Goal


7. Goals boosts confidence and generates an attitude of respect. One good thing about goal setting is that it makes you exude confidence which in turn draws respect from others to you. You will find noticeable changes in the posture of goal setters most times; shoulders high, walking straight, heads held up high and a general confident posture. Definitely, those with goals have a can do attitude or the yes, we can attitude. It shows in the broad smile, the firm handshake, the vivaciousness which makes you a force of attraction  inspiring others to reach greater heights. Think of Nigerian nationalists like M.K.O Abiola and Obafemi Awolowo, men who had tenacity under pressure  qualities that generated respect to lead their people. That is goal-setting in motion. Chief Obafemi Awolowo who while campaigning in South West made his voters know that even though his government will try to provide basic necessities, his major goal was education; this put him far ahead as a thinker in his gene


ADVANTAGES OF GOALS 4. Goals give you a feeling of satisfaction and produces an exciting flavour of accomplishment: Desire accomplished is sweet to the soul ---- Proverbs of Solomon. Human beings are goal seeking organisms and the key to happiness is in constantly setting and accomplishing goals. Look back to the times you received awards for things you have done or the last time you gave a presentation or completed that project.. How did it feel? Some people describe that as a moment in which they came alive; an undescribable  joy fills your heart. That is what happens when you set goals. Without goals however, you float aimlessly. As you acheive your goals, there is a feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment. 5. Goal setting frees you from crisis management:  You cease spending all of your time trying to resolve this crisis or the other, instead you solve problems before they arise. You shift from being reactive to being proactive.. You shift from fire-fighting to fire-pre


ADVANTAGES OF GOALS AND GOAL SETTING 1. Goals stretch you. The ultimate goal in life is not limited to material benefits like cars, houses and the likes even though they are useful. The ultimate goal is to become a "master" at life. Being a master at life is not a destination but a journey that spans throughout life. That journey will require you to learn new skills, expand your vision of possibilities, build new relationships and overcome your fears, considerations and roadblocks. As Jim Rohn, a success coach and philosopher once said, "You want to set a goal that is big enough so that in the process of achieving it you become someone worth becoming" 2. Goals simplify your decision making process. With goals you are committed to details and like you know excellence resides in the details. As Thoreau, a philosopher said, Simplify, Simplify, Simplify." Goals help you to declutter your mind and clarify exactly what you are after. You know exactly what to


THE HOMING PIGEON This is another animal that illustrates the importance of goals and direction. If you take the homing pigeon out of its roost, put it in a cage, cover the cage with a blanket, put the cage in a box, place the box in a closed truck cab and then drive a thousand miles in any direction, the homing pigeon, once let out of the cage (with the blanket, box and other impediments removed) will fly up into the air, circle three times and then fly unerringly back to its home roost a thousand miles away. You also have this amazing, cybernetic, goal-seeking function. In fact, all you need to do is know what your goal is and why you need it. You need not know how, as the how will be figured out subsequently.  By simply deciding to focus on that major goal, you begin to unerringly, move toward your goal and your goal will begin to unerringly move toward you. If we did all the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.  Thomas Alva Edison The ke


THE EAGLE'S NEST The eagles nest is a sight to behold; It weighs more than two tonnes and in fact, it can support two grown men. You do not find this kind of nest anywhere else. It is usually found in the most remote and unattainable spot the bird can find and then it will be perched very high in the mountains or on some sheer cliff or a very high tree. Due to the massive size of this nest and the fact that each and every stick and materials like timber from construction sites, discarded clothing, paper, fresh stick, grass and leaves  to prevent the nest from getting dirty  has to be carried to this remote building by the eagle, you will easily agree that the nest building will be a huge task for the eagle. The eagle, however, is not intimidated or overwhelmed by the sheer intensity of this task. It understands the power of goals and taking little steps  which add up in the long run  towards the achievement of these goals. As Robert Schuller said, By the yard, it is hard but inc


 "The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex, overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks and starting on the first one." Mark Twain, Celebrated American author and humorist. "If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy and inspires your hopes" - Andrew Carnegie, The Richest Man in America in the 1900s A goal is a vision with a feet while goal setting refers to the art of setting specific, measurable , achievable, realistic and time-bound objectives. This means that your goals must be smart and you should act on them with the certainty that you will achieve them. There must also be a timeline attached so that you do not wander aimlessly, thinking you have all the years in the world. Scientists have discovered that the brain is a goal seeking organism. The truth is that whatever goal you give to your subconscious mind, it will work day in, day out to achi


BENJAMIN SOLOMON CARSON He was born to Sonya (a school dropout) and Robert Solomon Carson (a Baptist Minister) on September 18, 1951 in the city of Detroit, the state of Michigan and the country of United States of America. Carson lived with his single mother and he was a Black in a predominantly racist nation. Initially a known dullard and experiencing difficulties in his studies, his story gradually changed when his mother limited her children’s T.V. time until they completed their homework and summarized two books a week from the library. She demanded that they submitted book reviews (reports) to her even though she could barely read them. Carson soon began to find his new found hobby as more enjoyable than watching television. In fact, a fifth-grade science teacher encouraged Carson’s interests in lab work after the youngster was the only student to identify an Obsidian rock sample brought to school. Carson who was previously an object of ridicule became a world


PRACTICAL STRATEGY 2-  LEVERAGE ON ROUTINES "Have a time and place for everything and do everything in its time and place and you will not only accomplish more but have far more leisure than those who are always hurrying"  -Tryon Edwards You implement routines when you to begin to practice doing things in a set time attached for that purpose everyday.  Friends, that's the way it works. Let us imbibe the power of routines. Do the right thing at the right time which you have particularly set out for that purpose. That is a more productive approach.  Even Ecclesiastes corroborates this, thus: "To everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under the heaven." A little today, a little tomorrow leads to something significant. Constancy leads to something monumental. "When you improve a little each day, eventually big things occur. When you improve conditioning a little each day, eventually you have a big improvement in conditioning. Not tomo


Today lies ahead of you waiting to be shaped and here you are the sculptor who gets to do the shaping. What today will be like is up to you. You get to determine the kind of day that you will have All we have to do is to determine what to do with the time that is given to us  J.R.R. Tolkien PRACTICAL STRATEGY 1- BE PRIORITY DRIVEN Things that matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least. -Wolfgang Van Goethe, German Philosopher Friend, let us face the reality. You cannot possibly be everywhere and be doing everything every time. You are constantly bombarded with a barrage of things daily seeking for your attention; from work (meetings, reports, presentations, projects, books to read and so on) to home duties and the list goes on and on. One of the best ways to use your time is asking yourself: What is the most valuable use of my time right now? There is always an answer to this question every minute and every hour. Answering this question is the key to your


HOW TO DISCOVER PURPOSE (PART THREE) The story is told of an interviewer went around sampling random people in a village asking the question, “What irritates you the most?” There were many answers from various people. Some people said poverty. Other people said it is harsh weather. Some others said it is diseases.  Finally, this interviewer came across a philosopher and asked the same question, “What irritates you the most?” The philosopher answered, “Who are you?” To this, the interviewer answered, “I am Emeka Mansar Musa” The philosopher responded, “No, that is just your name, but who are you?” Emeka Musa said, “I am a journalist by profession.” The philosopher responded, “No, that is only your occupation, who are you?” “Well, I am the son of Mansar Musa,” came the reply “That is only your family line.” “Now, who are you?” The journalist (interviewer) finally left his mouth wide open as he did not know any other answers to the question, “Who am I?” The philosopher final
VISION "Act as if failure is impossible and your success will be assured. Wipe out every thought of not achieving your objectives Whether material or spiritual and your success will be assured. Be brave and set no limits to the workings of your imagination. Never be a prisoner of your past. Become the architect of your future. You will never be the same." - Robin Sharma The Monk who sold his Ferrari, page 138 One of the most powerful keys to success is to leverage the power of your mind through imagination. Imagination is derived from two words; image and formation. Imagination is therefore the act of forming images in the mind. This formation of positive images in the mind is therefore a positive key to success. What images do you form in your mind? It is extremely important that you watch it because your outer life is usually a reflection of your inner life. "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he" - Proverbs of Solomon The eagle is set apart f